import json import datetime from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.core.mail import EmailMessage from django.http import JsonResponse, HttpResponse from django.contrib import messages from cart.models import CartItem, Cart from cart.views import _cart_id from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from .forms import OrderForm from .models import Order, Payment, OrderProduct from shop.models import Product @login_required(login_url = 'accounts:login') def payment_method(request): return render(request, 'shop/orders/payment_method.html',) @login_required(login_url = 'accounts:login') def checkout(request,total=0, total_price=0, quantity=0, cart_items=None): tax = 0.00 handing = 0.00 try: if request.user.is_authenticated: cart_items = CartItem.objects.filter(user=request.user, is_active=True) else: cart = Cart.objects.get(cart_id=_cart_id(request)) cart_items = CartItem.objects.filter(cart=cart, is_active=True) for cart_item in cart_items: total_price += (cart_item.product.price * cart_item.quantity) quantity += cart_item.quantity total = total_price + 10 except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass # just ignore tax = round(((2 * total_price)/100), 2) grand_total = total_price + tax handing = 15.00 total = float(grand_total) + handing context = { 'total_price': total_price, 'quantity': quantity, 'cart_items':cart_items, 'handing': handing, 'vat' : tax, 'order_total': total, } return render(request, 'shop/orders/checkout/checkout.html', context) @login_required(login_url = 'accounts:login') def payment(request, total=0, quantity=0): current_user = request.user handing = 15.0 # if the cart cout less than 0 , redirect to shop page cart_items = CartItem.objects.filter(user=current_user) cart_count = cart_items.count() if cart_count <= 0 : return redirect('shop:shop') grand_total = 0 tax = 0 for cart_item in cart_items: total += (cart_item.product.price * cart_item.quantity) quantity += cart_item.quantity tax = round(((2 * total)/100), 2) grand_total = total + tax handing = 15.00 total = float(grand_total) + handing if request.method == 'POST': form = OrderForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): # shop all the billing information inside Order table data = Order() data.user = current_user data.first_name = form.cleaned_data['first_name'] data.last_name = form.cleaned_data['last_name'] = form.cleaned_data['phone'] = form.cleaned_data['email'] data.address = form.cleaned_data['address'] = form.cleaned_data['country'] data.state = form.cleaned_data['state'] = form.cleaned_data['city'] data.order_note = form.cleaned_data['order_note'] data.order_total = total = tax data.ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') # Generate order number yr = int('%Y')) dt = int('%d')) mt = int('%m')) d =,mt,dt) current_date = d.strftime("%Y%m%d") #20210305 order_number = current_date + str( data.order_number = order_number order = Order.objects.get(user=current_user, is_ordered=False, order_number=order_number) context = { 'order': order, 'cart_items': cart_items, 'handing': handing, 'vat': tax, 'order_total': total, } return render(request, 'shop/orders/checkout/payment.html', context) else: messages.error(request, 'YOur information not Vailed') return redirect('orders:checkout') else: return redirect('shop:shop') def payments(request): body = json.loads(request.body) order = Order.objects.get(user=request.user, is_ordered=False, order_number=body['orderID']) # Store transation details inside payment model payment = Payment( user = request.user, payment_id = body['transID'], payment_method = body['payment_method'], status = body['status'], amount_paid = order.order_total, ) order.payment = payment order.is_ordered = True # Move the cart item to OrderProduct table cart_items = CartItem.objects.filter(user=request.user) for item in cart_items: orderproduct = OrderProduct() orderproduct.order_id = orderproduct.payment = payment orderproduct.user_id = orderproduct.product_id = item.product_id orderproduct.quantity = item.quantity orderproduct.product_price = item.product.price orderproduct.ordered = True # add variation to OrderProduct table cart_item = CartItem.objects.get( product_variation = cart_item.variation.all() orderproduct = OrderProduct.objects.get( orderproduct.variations.set(product_variation) # Reduce the quantity of the sold products product = Product.objects.get(id=item.product_id) product.stock -= item.quantity # Clear Cart CartItem.objects.filter(user=request.user).delete() # Send order recieved email to cutomer #subject = 'Thank you for your order!' #message = render_to_string('shop/orders/checkout/payment_recieved_email.html', { # 'user': request.user, # 'order':order, #}) #to_email = #send_email = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=[to_email]) #send_email.send() # # ## Send order recieved email to admin account #subject = 'Thank you for your order!' #message = render_to_string('shop/orders/checkout/payment_recieved_email.html', { # 'user': request.user, # 'order':order, #}) #to_email = #send_email = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=['']) #send_email.send() # Send order number and transation id back to sendDate method via JavaResponse data = { 'order_number': order.order_number, 'transID': payment.payment_id, } return JsonResponse(data) def order_completed(request): order_number = request.GET.get('order_number') transID = request.GET.get('payment_id') try: order = Order.objects.get(order_number=order_number, is_ordered=True) ordered_products = OrderProduct.objects.filter( subtotall = 0 for i in ordered_products: subtotall += i.product_price * i.quantity subtotal = round(subtotall, 2) payment = Payment.objects.get(payment_id=transID) context = { 'order': order, 'ordered_products': ordered_products, 'order_number': order.order_number, 'transID': payment.payment_id, 'payment': payment, 'subtotal': subtotal, } return render(request, 'shop/orders/order_completed/order_completed.html', context) except (Payment.DoesNotExist, Order.DoesNotExist): return redirect('shop:shop')