
419 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, re
stderr = sys.stderr
from utils import choplist
## PS Exceptions
class PSException(Exception): pass
class PSSyntaxError(PSException): pass
class PSTypeError(PSException): pass
class PSValueError(PSException): pass
## Basic PostScript Types
# PSLiteral
class PSLiteral:
PS literals (e.g. "/Name").
Caution: Never create these objects directly.
Use PSLiteralTable.intern() instead.
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return '/%s' % self.name
# PSKeyword
class PSKeyword:
PS keywords (e.g. "showpage").
Caution: Never create these objects directly.
Use PSKeywordTable.intern() instead.
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return self.name
# PSSymbolTable
class PSSymbolTable:
Symbol table that stores PSLiteral or PSKeyword.
def __init__(self, classe):
self.dic = {}
self.classe = classe
def intern(self, name):
if name in self.dic:
lit = self.dic[name]
lit = self.classe(name)
self.dic[name] = lit
return lit
PSLiteralTable = PSSymbolTable(PSLiteral)
PSKeywordTable = PSSymbolTable(PSKeyword)
def literal_name(x):
if not isinstance(x, PSLiteral):
raise PSTypeError('literal required: %r' % x)
return x.name
def keyword_name(x):
if not isinstance(x, PSKeyword):
raise PSTypeError('keyword required: %r' % x)
return x.name
## PSBaseParser
class PSBaseParser:
Most basic PostScript parser that performs only basic tokenization.
def __init__(self, fp, debug=0):
self.fp = fp
self.debug = debug
self.bufsize = 4096
self.strfilter = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<PSBaseParser: %r>' % (self.fp,)
def seek(self, pos):
Seeks the parser to the given position.
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'seek:', pos
prevpos = self.fp.tell()
self.linebuf = None # line buffer.
self.curpos = 0 # current position in the buffer.
self.linepos = pos # the beginning of the current line.
self.go = False
return prevpos
EOLCHAR = re.compile(r'[\r\n]')
def nextline(self):
Fetches a next line that ends either with \\r or \\n.
line = ''
eol = None
while 1:
if not self.linebuf or len(self.linebuf) <= self.curpos:
# fetch next chunk.
self.linebuf = self.fp.read(self.bufsize)
if not self.linebuf:
# at EOF.
self.curpos = 0
if eol:
c = self.linebuf[self.curpos]
# handle '\r\n'
if (eol == '\r' and c == '\n'):
line += c
self.curpos += 1
m = self.EOLCHAR.search(self.linebuf, self.curpos)
if m:
i = m.end(0)
line += self.linebuf[self.curpos:i]
eol = self.linebuf[i-1]
self.curpos = i
# fetch further
line += self.linebuf[self.curpos:]
self.linebuf = None
linepos = self.linepos
self.linepos += len(line)
return (linepos, line)
def revreadlines(self):
Fetches a next line backword. This is used to locate
the trailers at the end of a file.
self.fp.seek(0, 2)
pos = self.fp.tell()
buf = ''
while 0 < pos:
pos = max(0, pos-self.bufsize)
s = self.fp.read(self.bufsize)
if not s: break
while 1:
n = max(s.rfind('\r'), s.rfind('\n'))
if n == -1:
buf = s + buf
yield buf+s[n:]
s = s[:n]
buf = ''
# regex patterns for basic lexical scanning.
SPECIAL = r'%\[\]()<>{}/\000\011\012\014\015\040'
TOKEN = re.compile(r'<<|>>|[%\[\]()<>{}/]|[^'+SPECIAL+r']+')
LITERAL = re.compile(r'([^#'+SPECIAL+r']|#[0-9abcdefABCDEF]{2})+')
NUMBER = re.compile(r'[+-]?[0-9][.0-9]*$')
STRING_NORM = re.compile(r'(\\[0-9]{1,3}|\\.|[^\)])+')
STRING_NORM_SUB = re.compile(r'\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\.')
STRING_HEX = re.compile(r'[\s0-9a-fA-F]+')
STRING_HEX_SUB = re.compile(r'[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}')
def parse(self):
Yields a list of tuples (pos, token) of the following:
keywords, literals, strings, numbers and parentheses.
Comments are skipped.
Nested objects (i.e. arrays and dictionaries) are not handled here.
while 1:
# do not strip line! we need to distinguish last '\n' or '\r'
(linepos, line) = self.nextline()
if not line: break
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'line: (%d) %r' % (linepos, line)
# do this before removing comment
if line.startswith('%%EOF'): break
charpos = 0
# tokenize
self.go = True
while self.go:
m = self.TOKEN.search(line, charpos)
if not m: break
t = m.group(0)
pos = linepos + m.start(0)
charpos = m.end(0)
if t == '%':
# skip comment
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'comment: %r' % line[charpos:]
elif t == '/':
# literal object
mn = self.LITERAL.match(line, m.start(0)+1)
lit = PSLiteralTable.intern(mn.group(0))
yield (pos, lit)
charpos = mn.end(0)
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'name: %r' % lit
elif t == '(':
# normal string object
s = ''
while 1:
ms = self.STRING_NORM.match(line, charpos)
if not ms: break
s1 = ms.group(0)
charpos = ms.end(0)
if len(s1) == 1 and s1[-1] == '\\':
s += s1[-1:]
(linepos, line) = self.nextline()
if not line:
raise PSSyntaxError('end inside string: linepos=%d, line=%r' %
(linepos, line))
charpos = 0
elif charpos == len(line):
s += s1
(linepos, line) = self.nextline()
if not line:
raise PSSyntaxError('end inside string: linepos=%d, line=%r' %
(linepos, line))
charpos = 0
s += s1
if line[charpos] != ')':
raise PSSyntaxError('no close paren: linepos=%d, line=%r' %
(linepos, line))
charpos += 1
def convesc(m):
x = m.group(0)
if x[1:].isdigit():
return chr(int(x[1:], 8))
return x[1]
s = self.STRING_NORM_SUB.sub(convesc, s)
if self.strfilter:
s = self.strfilter(s)
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'str: %r' % s
yield (pos, s)
elif t == '<':
# hex string object
ms = self.STRING_HEX.match(line, charpos)
charpos = ms.end(0)
if line[charpos] != '>':
raise PSSyntaxError('no close paren: linepos=%d, line=%r' %
(linepos, line))
charpos += 1
def convhex(m1):
return chr(int(m1.group(0), 16))
s = self.STRING_HEX_SUB.sub(convhex, ms.group(0))
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'str: %r' % s
yield (pos, s)
elif self.NUMBER.match(t):
# number
if '.' in t:
n = float(t)
n = int(t)
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'number: %r' % n
yield (pos, n)
elif t in ('true', 'false'):
# boolean
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'boolean: %r' % t
yield (pos, (t == 'true'))
# other token
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'keyword: %r' % t
yield (pos, PSKeywordTable.intern(t))
## PSStackParser
class PSStackParser(PSBaseParser):
PostScript parser that recognizes compound objects
such as arrays and dictionaries.
def __init__(self, fp, debug=0):
PSBaseParser.__init__(self, fp, debug=debug)
self.context = []
self.partobj = None
def do_token(self, pos, token):
Handles special tokens.
Returns true if the token denotes the end of an object.
return False
def push(self, obj):
Push an object to the stack.
def pop(self, n):
Pop N objects from the stack.
if len(self.partobj) < n:
raise PSSyntaxError('stack too short < %d' % n)
r = self.partobj[-n:]
self.partobj = self.partobj[:-n]
return r
def popall(self):
Discards all the objects on the stack.
self.partobj = []
def parse(self):
Yields a list of objects: keywords, literals, strings,
numbers, arrays and dictionaries. Arrays and dictionaries
are represented as Python sequence and dictionaries.
def startobj(type):
self.context.append((type, self.partobj))
self.partobj = []
def endobj(type1):
assert self.context
obj = self.partobj
(type0, self.partobj) = self.context.pop()
if type0 != type1:
raise PSTypeError('type mismatch: %r(%r) != %r(%r)' %
(type0, self.partobj, type1, obj))
return obj
for (pos,t) in PSBaseParser.parse(self):
if isinstance(t, int) or isinstance(t, float):
elif isinstance(t, str):
elif isinstance(t, PSLiteral):
c = keyword_name(t)
if c == '{' or c == '}':
elif c == '[':
# begin array
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'start array'
elif c == ']':
# end array
a = endobj('a')
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'end array: %r' % a
elif c == '<<':
# begin dictionary
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'start dict'
elif c == '>>':
# end dictionary
objs = endobj('d')
if len(objs) % 2 != 0:
raise PSTypeError('invalid dictionary construct: %r' % objs)
d = dict( (literal_name(k), v) for (k,v) in choplist(2, objs) )
if 2 <= self.debug:
print >>stderr, 'end dict: %r' % d
elif self.do_token(pos, t):
return endobj('o')