separated predictor functions.

Yusuke Shinyama 2011-06-07 00:31:03 +09:00
parent 170c97a12b
commit 18a5058af6
2 changed files with 48 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from ascii85 import ascii85decode, asciihexdecode
from runlength import rldecode
from psparser import PSException, PSObject
from psparser import LIT, KWD, STRICT
from utils import apply_png_predictor
@ -231,22 +232,19 @@ class PDFStream(PDFObject):
raise PDFNotImplementedError('Unsupported filter: %r' % f)
# apply predictors
params = self.get_any(('DP', 'DecodeParms', 'FDecodeParms'), {})
if 'Predictor' in params and 'Columns' in params:
if 'Predictor' in params:
pred = int_value(params['Predictor'])
columns = int_value(params['Columns'])
if pred:
if pred != 12:
raise PDFNotImplementedError('Unsupported predictor: %r' % pred)
buf = ''
ent0 = '\x00' * columns
for i in xrange(0, len(data), columns+1):
pred = data[i]
ent1 = data[i+1:i+1+columns]
if pred == '\x02':
ent1 = ''.join( chr((ord(a)+ord(b)) & 255) for (a,b) in zip(ent0,ent1) )
buf += ent1
ent0 = ent1
data = buf
if pred == 1:
# no predictor
elif 10 <= pred:
# PNG predictor
colors = int_value(params.get('Colors', 1))
columns = int_value(params.get('Columns', 1))
bitspercomponent = int_value(params.get('BitsPerComponent', 8))
data = apply_png_predictor(pred, colors, columns, bitspercomponent, data)
raise PDFNotImplementedError('Unsupported predictor: %r' % pred) = data
self.rawdata = None

View File

@ -6,6 +6,41 @@ import struct
from sys import maxint as INF
## PNG Predictor
def apply_png_predictor(pred, colors, columns, bitspercomponent, data):
if bitspercomponent != 8:
# unsupported
raise ValueError(bitspercomponent)
nbytes = colors*columns*bitspercomponent/8
i = 0
buf = ''
line0 = '\x00' * columns
while i < len(data):
pred = data[i]
i += 1
line1 = data[i:i+nbytes]
i += nbytes
if pred == '\x00':
# PNG none
buf += line1
elif pred == '\x01':
# PNG sub
b = 0
for c in line1:
b += ord(c)
buf += chr(b & 255)
elif pred == '\x02':
# PNG up
for (a,b) in zip(line0,line1):
buf += chr((ord(a)+ord(b)) & 255)
# unsupported
raise ValueError(pred)
line0 = line1
return buf
## Matrix operations
MATRIX_IDENTITY = (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)