Removed typechecking, nothing's exploded yet and argparse does lots of heavy lifting already.

Cathal Garvey 2015-05-30 17:05:28 +01:00
parent 3b7edba48c
commit 268e9fb2bd
1 changed files with 0 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -9,21 +9,6 @@ import pdfminer.high_level
import pdfminer.layout
def _check_arg():
Type-checking the ugly way, because we can't do arg annotations and reflection
in Python 2.
arg = locals()[arg_name]
assert isinstance(arg, arg_permitted), ("Argument '{}' should be of type(s)"
" '{}' but is type '{}'").format(arg_name, arg_permitted, type(arg))
if contains_permitted is not None and arg:
for contained in arg:
assert isinstance(contained, contains_permitted), ("Value within"
" argument '{}' should be of type '{}' but is '{}'"
).format(arg_name, contains_permitted, type(contained))
def extract_text(files=[], outfile='-',
_py2_no_more_posargs=None, # Bloody Python2 needs a shim
no_laparams=False, all_texts=None, detect_vertical=None, # LAParams