layout analysis improvement 1

git-svn-id: 1aa58f4a-7d42-0410-adbc-911cccaed67c
yusuke.shinyama.dummy 2010-10-17 05:13:33 +00:00
parent 3b2aabaa10
commit bc1303e901
1 changed files with 182 additions and 246 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from pdffont import PDFUnicodeNotDefined
## get_bounds
def get_bounds(pts):
"""Compute a maximal rectangle that covers all the points."""
"""Compute a minimal rectangle that covers all the points."""
(x0, y0, x1, y1) = (INF, INF, -INF, -INF)
for (x,y) in pts:
x0 = min(x0, x)
@ -31,12 +31,6 @@ def csort(objs, key):
idxs = dict( (obj,i) for (i,obj) in enumerate(objs) )
return sorted(objs, key=lambda obj:(key(obj), idxs[obj]))
def is_uniq(objs):
for (i,obj1) in enumerate(objs):
for obj2 in objs[i+1:]:
if obj1 == obj2: return False
return True
## LAParams
@ -127,9 +121,9 @@ class LTItem(object):
class LTPolygon(LTItem):
def __init__(self, linewidth, pts):
LTItem.__init__(self, get_bounds(pts))
self.pts = pts
self.linewidth = linewidth
LTItem.__init__(self, get_bounds(pts))
def get_pts(self):
@ -265,36 +259,39 @@ class LTChar(LTItem, LTText):
class LTContainer(LTItem):
def __init__(self, bbox, objs=None):
def __init__(self, objs=None, bbox=(0,0,0,0)):
LTItem.__init__(self, bbox)
if objs:
self.objs = objs[:]
self._objs = objs[:]
self.objs = []
self._objs = []
def __repr__(self):
return ('<container %s>' % bbox2str(self.bbox))
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.objs)
return iter(self.get_objs())
def __len__(self):
return len(self.objs)
return len(self.get_objs())
def add(self, obj):
def merge(self, container):
def get_objs(self):
return self._objs
# fixate(): determines its boundery.
def fixate(self):
if not self.width and self.objs:
if not self.width and self._objs:
(bx0, by0, bx1, by1) = (INF, INF, -INF, -INF)
for obj in self.objs:
for obj in self._objs:
bx0 = min(bx0, obj.x0)
by0 = min(by0, obj.y0)
bx1 = max(bx1, obj.x1)
@ -307,60 +304,63 @@ class LTContainer(LTItem):
class LTTextLine(LTContainer):
def __init__(self, objs):
LTContainer.__init__(self, (0,0,0,0), objs)
def __init__(self, word_margin=0):
self.word_margin = word_margin
def __repr__(self):
return ('<textline %s>' % bbox2str(self.bbox))
def get_text(self):
return ''.join( obj.text for obj in self.objs if isinstance(obj, LTText) )
return ''.join( obj.text for obj in self.get_objs() if isinstance(obj, LTText) )
def find_neighbors(self, plane, ratio):
raise NotImplementedError
class LTTextLineHorizontal(LTTextLine):
def __init__(self, objs, word_margin):
LTTextLine.__init__(self, objs)
objs = []
def __repr__(self):
return ('<textline-h %s>' % bbox2str(self.bbox))
def get_objs(self):
x1 = INF
for obj in csort(self.objs, key=lambda obj: obj.x0):
if isinstance(obj, LTChar) and word_margin:
margin = word_margin * obj.width
for obj in csort(self._objs, key=lambda obj: obj.x0):
if isinstance(obj, LTChar) and self.word_margin:
margin = self.word_margin * obj.width
if x1 < obj.x0-margin:
objs.append(LTAnon(' '))
yield LTAnon(' ')
yield obj
x1 = obj.x1
self.objs = objs + [LTAnon('\n')]
yield LTAnon('\n')
def find_neighbors(self, plane, ratio):
h = ratio*self.height
return plane.find((self.x0, self.y0-h, self.x1, self.y1+h))
objs = plane.find((self.x0, self.y0-h, self.x1, self.y1+h))
return [ obj for obj in objs if isinstance(obj, LTTextLineHorizontal) ]
class LTTextLineVertical(LTTextLine):
def __init__(self, objs, word_margin):
LTTextLine.__init__(self, objs)
objs = []
def __repr__(self):
return ('<textline-v %s>' % bbox2str(self.bbox))
def get_objs(self):
y0 = -INF
for obj in csort(self.objs, key=lambda obj: -obj.y1):
if isinstance(obj, LTChar) and word_margin:
margin = word_margin * obj.height
for obj in csort(self._objs, key=lambda obj: -obj.y1):
if isinstance(obj, LTChar) and self.word_margin:
margin = self.word_margin * obj.height
if obj.y1+margin < y0:
objs.append(LTAnon(' '))
yield LTAnon(' ')
yield obj
y0 = obj.y0
self.objs = objs + [LTAnon('\n')]
yield LTAnon('\n')
def find_neighbors(self, plane, ratio):
w = ratio*self.width
return plane.find((self.x0-w, self.y0, self.x1+w, self.y1))
objs = plane.find((self.x0-w, self.y0, self.x1+w, self.y1))
return [ obj for obj in objs if isinstance(obj, LTTextLineVertical) ]
## LTTextBox
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ class LTTextLineVertical(LTTextLine):
class LTTextBox(LTContainer):
def __init__(self, objs):
LTContainer.__init__(self, (0,0,0,0), objs)
LTContainer.__init__(self, objs=objs)
self.index = None
@ -379,21 +379,17 @@ class LTTextBox(LTContainer):
return ('<textbox(%s) %s %r...>' % (self.index, bbox2str(self.bbox), self.get_text()[:20]))
def get_text(self):
return ''.join( obj.get_text() for obj in self.objs if isinstance(obj, LTTextLine) )
return ''.join( obj.get_text() for obj in self.get_objs() if isinstance(obj, LTTextLine) )
class LTTextBoxHorizontal(LTTextBox):
def fixate(self):
self.objs = csort(self.objs, key=lambda obj: -obj.y1)
def get_objs(self):
return csort(self._objs, key=lambda obj: -obj.y1)
class LTTextBoxVertical(LTTextBox):
def fixate(self):
self.objs = csort(self.objs, key=lambda obj: -obj.x1)
def get_objs(self):
return csort(self._objs, key=lambda obj: -obj.x1)
## LTTextGroup
@ -401,26 +397,21 @@ class LTTextBoxVertical(LTTextBox):
class LTTextGroup(LTContainer):
def __init__(self, objs):
assert objs
LTContainer.__init__(self, (0,0,0,0), objs)
LTContainer.__init__(self, objs=objs)
class LTTextGroupLRTB(LTTextGroup):
def __init__(self, objs):
LTTextGroup.__init__(self, objs)
def get_objs(self):
# reorder the objects from top-left to bottom-right.
self.objs = csort(self.objs, key=lambda obj: obj.x0+obj.x1-(obj.y0+obj.y1))
return csort(self._objs, key=lambda obj: obj.x0+obj.x1-(obj.y0+obj.y1))
class LTTextGroupTBRL(LTTextGroup):
def __init__(self, objs):
LTTextGroup.__init__(self, objs)
def get_objs(self):
# reorder the objects from top-right to bottom-left.
self.objs = csort(self.objs, key=lambda obj: -(obj.x0+obj.x1)-(obj.y0+obj.y1))
return csort(self._objs, key=lambda obj: -(obj.x0+obj.x1)-(obj.y0+obj.y1))
## Plane
@ -463,121 +454,22 @@ class Plane(object):
return sorted(xobjs, key=lambda obj: self.idxs[obj])
## guess_wmode
def guess_wmode(objs):
"""Guess the writing mode by looking at the order of text objects."""
xy = tb = lr = 0
obj0 = None
for obj1 in objs:
if obj0 is not None:
dx = obj1.x0+obj1.x1-(obj0.x0+obj0.x1)
dy = obj1.y0+obj1.y1-(obj0.y0+obj0.y1)
if abs(dy) < abs(dx):
xy += 1
xy -= 1
if 0 < dx:
lr += 1
lr -= 1
if dy < 0:
tb += 1
tb -= 1
obj0 = obj1
if 0 < lr:
lr = 'lr'
lr = 'rl'
if 0 < tb:
tb = 'tb'
tb = 'bt'
if 0 < xy:
return lr+'-'+tb
return tb+'-'+lr
## group_lines
def group_lines(groupfunc, objs, findfunc, debug=0):
"""Group LTTextLine objects to form a LTTextBox."""
plane = Plane(objs)
groups = {}
for obj in objs:
neighbors = findfunc(obj, plane)
assert obj in neighbors, obj
members = neighbors[:]
for obj1 in neighbors:
if obj1 in groups:
if debug:
print >>sys.stderr, 'group:', members
group = groupfunc(list(uniq(members)))
for obj in members:
groups[obj] = group
done = set()
r = []
for obj in objs:
group = groups[obj]
if group in done: continue
return r
## group_boxes
def group_boxes(groupfunc, objs0, distfunc, debug=0):
assert objs0
objs = objs0[:]
while 2 <= len(objs):
mindist = INF
minpair = None
objs = csort(objs, key=lambda obj: obj.width*obj.height)
for i in xrange(len(objs)):
for j in xrange(i+1, len(objs)):
d = distfunc(objs[i], objs[j])
if d < mindist:
mindist = d
minpair = (objs[i], objs[j])
assert minpair
(obj1, obj2) = minpair
if debug:
print >>sys.stderr, 'group:', obj1, obj2
objs.append(groupfunc([obj1, obj2]))
assert len(objs) == 1
return objs.pop()
## LTAnalyzer
class LTAnalyzer(LTContainer):
def analyze(self, laparams):
def analyze(self, laparams=None):
"""Perform the layout analysis."""
(textobjs, otherobjs) = self.get_textobjs()
if laparams is None: return
# textobjs is a list of LTChar objects, i.e.
# it has all the individual characters in the page.
if not laparams or not textobjs: return
if laparams.writing_mode not in ('lr-tb', 'tb-rl'):
laparams.writing_mode = guess_wmode(textobjs)
if (laparams.writing_mode.startswith('tb-') or
# assemble them into vertical rows of text.
textboxes = self.build_textbox_vertical(textobjs, laparams)
# turn them into a tree.
top = self.group_textbox_tb_rl(textboxes, laparams)
# assemble them into horizontal rows of text.
textboxes = self.build_textbox_horizontal(textobjs, laparams)
# turn them into a tree.
top = self.group_textbox_lr_tb(textboxes, laparams)
(textobjs, otherobjs) = self.get_textobjs(self._objs, laparams)
if not textobjs: return
textlines = list(self.get_textlines(textobjs, laparams))
assert sum( len(line._objs) for line in textlines ) == len(textobjs)
textboxes = list(self.get_textboxes(textlines, laparams))
assert sum( len(box._objs) for box in textboxes ) == len(textlines)
top = self.group_textboxes(textboxes, laparams)
def assign_index(obj, i):
if isinstance(obj, LTTextBox):
obj.index = i
@ -588,82 +480,111 @@ class LTAnalyzer(LTContainer):
return i
assign_index(top, 0)
textboxes.sort(key=lambda box:box.index)
self.objs = textboxes + otherobjs
self._objs = textboxes + otherobjs
self.layout = top
def get_textobjs(self):
def get_textobjs(self, objs, laparams):
"""Split all the objects in the page into text-related objects and others."""
textobjs = []
otherobjs = []
for obj in self.objs:
for obj in objs:
if isinstance(obj, LTText) and obj.is_upright():
return (textobjs, otherobjs)
def build_textbox_horizontal(self, objs, laparams):
"""Identify horizontal text regions in the page."""
def aligned(obj1, obj2):
# +------+ - - -
# | obj1 | - - +------+ -
# | | | obj2 | | (line_overlap)
# +------+ - - | | -
# - - - +------+
# |<--->|
# (char_margin)
return ((min(obj1.height, obj2.height) * laparams.line_overlap < obj1.voverlap(obj2)) and
(obj1.hdistance(obj2) < min(obj1.width, obj2.width) * laparams.char_margin))
lines = []
line = []
prev = None
for cur in objs:
if prev is not None and not aligned(prev, cur):
if line:
lines.append(LTTextLineHorizontal(line, laparams.word_margin))
line = []
prev = cur
if line:
lines.append(LTTextLineHorizontal(line, laparams.word_margin))
return group_lines(LTTextBoxHorizontal, lines,
lambda obj, plane: obj.find_neighbors(plane, laparams.line_margin))
def get_textlines(self, objs, laparams):
obj0 = None
line = None
for obj1 in objs:
if obj0 is None:
obj0 = obj1
k = 0
if (obj0.is_voverlap(obj1) and
min(obj0.height, obj1.height) * laparams.line_overlap < obj0.voverlap(obj1) and
obj0.hdistance(obj1) < min(obj0.width, obj1.width) * laparams.char_margin):
# obj0 and obj1 is horizontally aligned:
# +------+ - - -
# | obj0 | - - +------+ -
# | | | obj1 | | (line_overlap)
# +------+ - - | | -
# - - - +------+
# |<--->|
# (char_margin)
k |= 1
if (obj0.is_hoverlap(obj1) and
min(obj0.width, obj1.width) * laparams.line_overlap < obj0.hoverlap(obj1) and
obj0.vdistance(obj1) < min(obj0.height, obj1.height) * laparams.char_margin):
# obj0 and obj1 is vertically aligned:
# +------+
# | obj0 |
# | |
# +------+ - - -
# | | | (char_margin)
# +------+ - -
# | obj1 |
# | |
# +------+
# |<-->|
# (line_overlap)
k |= 2
if ( (k & 1 and isinstance(line, LTTextLineHorizontal)) or
(k & 2 and isinstance(line, LTTextLineVertical)) ):
elif line is None:
if k == 2:
line = LTTextLineVertical(laparams.word_margin)
line = LTTextLineHorizontal(laparams.word_margin)
yield line
line = None
obj0 = obj1
if line is None:
line = LTTextLineHorizontal(laparams.word_margin)
if obj0 is not None:
yield line
def build_textbox_vertical(self, objs, laparams):
"""Identify vertical text regions in the page."""
def aligned(obj1, obj2):
# +------+
# | obj1 |
# | |
# +------+ - - -
# | | | (char_margin)
# +------+ - -
# | obj2 |
# | |
# +------+
# |<-->|
# (line_overlap)
return ((min(obj1.width, obj2.width) * laparams.line_overlap < obj1.hoverlap(obj2)) and
(obj1.vdistance(obj2) < min(obj1.height, obj2.height) * laparams.char_margin))
lines = []
line = []
prev = None
for cur in objs:
if prev is not None and not aligned(prev, cur):
if line:
lines.append(LTTextLineVertical(line, laparams.word_margin))
line = []
prev = cur
if line:
lines.append(LTTextLineVertical(line, laparams.word_margin))
return group_lines(LTTextBoxVertical, lines,
lambda obj, plane: obj.find_neighbors(plane, laparams.line_margin))
def get_textboxes(self, lines, laparams):
plane = Plane(lines)
groups = {}
for line in lines:
neighbors = line.find_neighbors(plane, laparams.line_margin)
assert line in neighbors, line
members = neighbors[:]
for obj1 in neighbors:
if obj1 in groups:
members = list(uniq(members))
if isinstance(line, LTTextLineHorizontal):
group = LTTextBoxHorizontal(members)
group = LTTextBoxVertical(members)
for obj in members:
groups[obj] = group
done = set()
for line in lines:
group = groups[line]
if group in done: continue
yield group
def group_textbox_lr_tb(self, boxes, laparams):
def group_textboxes(self, textboxes, laparams):
def dist(obj1, obj2):
"""A distance function between two TextBoxes.
@ -679,14 +600,29 @@ class LTAnalyzer(LTContainer):
return ((max(obj1.x1,obj2.x1) - min(obj1.x0,obj2.x0)) *
(max(obj1.y1,obj2.y1) - min(obj1.y0,obj2.y0)) -
(obj1.width*obj1.height + obj2.width*obj2.height))
return group_boxes(LTTextGroupLRTB, boxes, dist)
def group_textbox_tb_rl(self, boxes, laparams):
def dist(obj1, obj2):
return ((max(obj1.x1,obj2.x1) - min(obj1.x0,obj2.x0)) *
(max(obj1.y1,obj2.y1) - min(obj1.y0,obj2.y0)) -
(obj1.width*obj1.height + obj2.width*obj2.height))
return group_boxes(LTTextGroupTBRL, boxes, dist)
textboxes = textboxes[:]
while 2 <= len(textboxes):
mindist = INF
minpair = None
textboxes = csort(textboxes, key=lambda obj: obj.width*obj.height)
for i in xrange(len(textboxes)):
for j in xrange(i+1, len(textboxes)):
(obj1, obj2) = (textboxes[i], textboxes[j])
d = dist(obj1, obj2)
if d < mindist:
mindist = d
minpair = (obj1, obj2)
assert minpair
(obj1, obj2) = minpair
if isinstance(obj1, LTTextBoxHorizontal):
group = LTTextGroupLRTB([obj1, obj2])
group = LTTextGroupTBRL([obj1, obj2])
assert len(textboxes) == 1
return textboxes.pop()
## LTFigure
@ -699,16 +635,16 @@ class LTFigure(LTAnalyzer):
(x,y,w,h) = bbox
bbox = get_bounds( apply_matrix_pt(matrix, (p,q))
for (p,q) in ((x,y), (x+w,y), (x,y+h), (x+w,y+h)) )
LTAnalyzer.__init__(self, bbox)
LTAnalyzer.__init__(self, bbox=bbox)
def __repr__(self):
return ('<figure %r bbox=%s matrix=%s>' %
(, bbox2str(self.bbox), matrix2str(self.matrix)))
def analyze(self, laparams):
if laparams and laparams.all_texts:
LTAnalyzer.analyze(self, laparams)
def analyze(self, laparams=None):
if laparams is not None and laparams.all_texts:
LTAnalyzer.analyze(self, laparams=laparams)
@ -717,7 +653,7 @@ class LTFigure(LTAnalyzer):
class LTPage(LTAnalyzer):
def __init__(self, pageid, bbox, rotate=0):
LTAnalyzer.__init__(self, bbox)
LTAnalyzer.__init__(self, bbox=bbox)
self.pageid = pageid
self.rotate = rotate
self.layout = None