# CCITT Fax decoder # # Bugs: uncompressed mode untested. # # cf. # ITU-T Recommendation T.4 # "Standardization of Group 3 facsimile terminals for document transmission" # ITU-T Recommendation T.6 # "FACSIMILE CODING SCHEMES AND CODING CONTROL FUNCTIONS FOR GROUP 4 FACSIMILE APPARATUS" import sys import array import six #Python 2+3 compatibility import unittest if six.PY3: def get_bytes(data): for byte in data: yield byte else: def get_bytes(data): for char in data: yield ord(char) ## BitParser ## class BitParser(object): def __init__(self): self._pos = 0 return @classmethod def add(klass, root, v, bits): p = root b = None for i in range(len(bits)): if 0 < i: if p[b] is None: p[b] = [None, None] p = p[b] if bits[i] == '1': b = 1 else: b = 0 p[b] = v return def feedbytes(self, data): for byte in get_bytes(data): for m in (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1): self._parse_bit(byte & m) return def _parse_bit(self, x): if x: v = self._state[1] else: v = self._state[0] self._pos += 1 if isinstance(v, list): self._state = v else: self._state = self._accept(v) return ## CCITTG4Parser ## class CCITTG4Parser(BitParser): MODE = [None, None] BitParser.add(MODE, 0, '1') BitParser.add(MODE, +1, '011') BitParser.add(MODE, -1, '010') BitParser.add(MODE, 'h', '001') BitParser.add(MODE, 'p', '0001') BitParser.add(MODE, +2, '000011') BitParser.add(MODE, -2, '000010') BitParser.add(MODE, +3, '0000011') BitParser.add(MODE, -3, '0000010') BitParser.add(MODE, 'u', '0000001111') BitParser.add(MODE, 'x1', '0000001000') BitParser.add(MODE, 'x2', '0000001001') BitParser.add(MODE, 'x3', '0000001010') BitParser.add(MODE, 'x4', '0000001011') BitParser.add(MODE, 'x5', '0000001100') BitParser.add(MODE, 'x6', '0000001101') BitParser.add(MODE, 'x7', '0000001110') BitParser.add(MODE, 'e', '000000000001000000000001') WHITE = [None, None] BitParser.add(WHITE, 0 , '00110101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1 , '000111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 2 , '0111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 3 , '1000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 4 , '1011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 5 , '1100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 6 , '1110') BitParser.add(WHITE, 7 , '1111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 8 , '10011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 9 , '10100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 10 , '00111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 11 , '01000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 12 , '001000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 13 , '000011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 14 , '110100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 15 , '110101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 16 , '101010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 17 , '101011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 18 , '0100111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 19 , '0001100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 20 , '0001000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 21 , '0010111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 22 , '0000011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 23 , '0000100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 24 , '0101000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 25 , '0101011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 26 , '0010011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 27 , '0100100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 28 , '0011000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 29 , '00000010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 30 , '00000011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 31 , '00011010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 32 , '00011011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 33 , '00010010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 34 , '00010011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 35 , '00010100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 36 , '00010101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 37 , '00010110') BitParser.add(WHITE, 38 , '00010111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 39 , '00101000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 40 , '00101001') BitParser.add(WHITE, 41 , '00101010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 42 , '00101011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 43 , '00101100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 44 , '00101101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 45 , '00000100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 46 , '00000101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 47 , '00001010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 48 , '00001011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 49 , '01010010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 50 , '01010011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 51 , '01010100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 52 , '01010101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 53 , '00100100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 54 , '00100101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 55 , '01011000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 56 , '01011001') BitParser.add(WHITE, 57 , '01011010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 58 , '01011011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 59 , '01001010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 60 , '01001011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 61 , '00110010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 62 , '00110011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 63 , '00110100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 64 , '11011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 128 , '10010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 192 , '010111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 256 , '0110111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 320 , '00110110') BitParser.add(WHITE, 384 , '00110111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 448 , '01100100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 512 , '01100101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 576 , '01101000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 640 , '01100111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 704 , '011001100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 768 , '011001101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 832 , '011010010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 896 , '011010011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 960 , '011010100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1024, '011010101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1088, '011010110') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1152, '011010111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1216, '011011000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1280, '011011001') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1344, '011011010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1408, '011011011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1472, '010011000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1536, '010011001') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1600, '010011010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1664, '011000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1728, '010011011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1792, '00000001000') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1856, '00000001100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1920, '00000001101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 1984, '000000010010') BitParser.add(WHITE, 2048, '000000010011') BitParser.add(WHITE, 2112, '000000010100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 2176, '000000010101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 2240, '000000010110') BitParser.add(WHITE, 2304, '000000010111') BitParser.add(WHITE, 2368, '000000011100') BitParser.add(WHITE, 2432, '000000011101') BitParser.add(WHITE, 2496, '000000011110') BitParser.add(WHITE, 2560, '000000011111') BLACK = [None, None] BitParser.add(BLACK, 0 , '0000110111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1 , '010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 2 , '11') BitParser.add(BLACK, 3 , '10') BitParser.add(BLACK, 4 , '011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 5 , '0011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 6 , '0010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 7 , '00011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 8 , '000101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 9 , '000100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 10 , '0000100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 11 , '0000101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 12 , '0000111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 13 , '00000100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 14 , '00000111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 15 , '000011000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 16 , '0000010111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 17 , '0000011000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 18 , '0000001000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 19 , '00001100111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 20 , '00001101000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 21 , '00001101100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 22 , '00000110111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 23 , '00000101000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 24 , '00000010111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 25 , '00000011000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 26 , '000011001010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 27 , '000011001011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 28 , '000011001100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 29 , '000011001101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 30 , '000001101000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 31 , '000001101001') BitParser.add(BLACK, 32 , '000001101010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 33 , '000001101011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 34 , '000011010010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 35 , '000011010011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 36 , '000011010100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 37 , '000011010101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 38 , '000011010110') BitParser.add(BLACK, 39 , '000011010111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 40 , '000001101100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 41 , '000001101101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 42 , '000011011010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 43 , '000011011011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 44 , '000001010100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 45 , '000001010101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 46 , '000001010110') BitParser.add(BLACK, 47 , '000001010111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 48 , '000001100100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 49 , '000001100101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 50 , '000001010010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 51 , '000001010011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 52 , '000000100100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 53 , '000000110111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 54 , '000000111000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 55 , '000000100111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 56 , '000000101000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 57 , '000001011000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 58 , '000001011001') BitParser.add(BLACK, 59 , '000000101011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 60 , '000000101100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 61 , '000001011010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 62 , '000001100110') BitParser.add(BLACK, 63 , '000001100111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 64 , '0000001111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 128 , '000011001000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 192 , '000011001001') BitParser.add(BLACK, 256 , '000001011011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 320 , '000000110011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 384 , '000000110100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 448 , '000000110101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 512 , '0000001101100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 576 , '0000001101101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 640 , '0000001001010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 704 , '0000001001011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 768 , '0000001001100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 832 , '0000001001101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 896 , '0000001110010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 960 , '0000001110011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1024, '0000001110100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1088, '0000001110101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1152, '0000001110110') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1216, '0000001110111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1280, '0000001010010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1344, '0000001010011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1408, '0000001010100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1472, '0000001010101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1536, '0000001011010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1600, '0000001011011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1664, '0000001100100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1728, '0000001100101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1792, '00000001000') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1856, '00000001100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1920, '00000001101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 1984, '000000010010') BitParser.add(BLACK, 2048, '000000010011') BitParser.add(BLACK, 2112, '000000010100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 2176, '000000010101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 2240, '000000010110') BitParser.add(BLACK, 2304, '000000010111') BitParser.add(BLACK, 2368, '000000011100') BitParser.add(BLACK, 2432, '000000011101') BitParser.add(BLACK, 2496, '000000011110') BitParser.add(BLACK, 2560, '000000011111') UNCOMPRESSED = [None, None] BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, '1', '1') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, '01', '01') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, '001', '001') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, '0001', '0001') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, '00001', '00001') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, '00000', '000001') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, 'T00', '00000011') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, 'T10', '00000010') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, 'T000', '000000011') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, 'T100', '000000010') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, 'T0000', '0000000011') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, 'T1000', '0000000010') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, 'T00000', '00000000011') BitParser.add(UNCOMPRESSED, 'T10000', '00000000010') class EOFB(Exception): pass class InvalidData(Exception): pass class ByteSkip(Exception): pass def __init__(self, width, bytealign=False): BitParser.__init__(self) self.width = width self.bytealign = bytealign self.reset() return def feedbytes(self, data): for byte in get_bytes(data): try: for m in (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1): self._parse_bit(byte & m) except self.ByteSkip: self._accept = self._parse_mode self._state = self.MODE except self.EOFB: break return def _parse_mode(self, mode): if mode == 'p': self._do_pass() self._flush_line() return self.MODE elif mode == 'h': self._n1 = 0 self._accept = self._parse_horiz1 if self._color: return self.WHITE else: return self.BLACK elif mode == 'u': self._accept = self._parse_uncompressed return self.UNCOMPRESSED elif mode == 'e': raise self.EOFB elif isinstance(mode, int): self._do_vertical(mode) self._flush_line() return self.MODE else: raise self.InvalidData(mode) def _parse_horiz1(self, n): if n is None: raise self.InvalidData self._n1 += n if n < 64: self._n2 = 0 self._color = 1-self._color self._accept = self._parse_horiz2 if self._color: return self.WHITE else: return self.BLACK def _parse_horiz2(self, n): if n is None: raise self.InvalidData self._n2 += n if n < 64: self._color = 1-self._color self._accept = self._parse_mode self._do_horizontal(self._n1, self._n2) self._flush_line() return self.MODE elif self._color: return self.WHITE else: return self.BLACK def _parse_uncompressed(self, bits): if not bits: raise self.InvalidData if bits.startswith('T'): self._accept = self._parse_mode self._color = int(bits[1]) self._do_uncompressed(bits[2:]) return self.MODE else: self._do_uncompressed(bits) return self.UNCOMPRESSED def _get_bits(self): return ''.join(str(b) for b in self._curline[:self._curpos]) def _get_refline(self, i): if i < 0: return '[]'+''.join(str(b) for b in self._refline) elif len(self._refline) <= i: return ''.join(str(b) for b in self._refline)+'[]' else: return (''.join(str(b) for b in self._refline[:i]) + '['+str(self._refline[i])+']' + ''.join(str(b) for b in self._refline[i+1:])) def reset(self): self._y = 0 self._curline = array.array('b', [1]*self.width) self._reset_line() self._accept = self._parse_mode self._state = self.MODE return def output_line(self, y, bits): print (y, ''.join(str(b) for b in bits)) return def _reset_line(self): self._refline = self._curline self._curline = array.array('b', [1]*self.width) self._curpos = -1 self._color = 1 return def _flush_line(self): if self.width <= self._curpos: self.output_line(self._y, self._curline) self._y += 1 self._reset_line() if self.bytealign: raise self.ByteSkip return def _do_vertical(self, dx): #print '* vertical(%d): curpos=%r, color=%r' % (dx, self._curpos, self._color) #print ' refline:', self._get_refline(self._curpos+1) x1 = self._curpos+1 while 1: if x1 == 0: if (self._color == 1 and self._refline[x1] != self._color): break elif x1 == len(self._refline): break elif (self._refline[x1-1] == self._color and self._refline[x1] != self._color): break x1 += 1 x1 += dx x0 = max(0, self._curpos) x1 = max(0, min(self.width, x1)) if x1 < x0: for x in range(x1, x0): self._curline[x] = self._color elif x0 < x1: for x in range(x0, x1): self._curline[x] = self._color self._curpos = x1 self._color = 1-self._color return def _do_pass(self): #print '* pass: curpos=%r, color=%r' % (self._curpos, self._color) #print ' refline:', self._get_refline(self._curpos+1) x1 = self._curpos+1 while 1: if x1 == 0: if (self._color == 1 and self._refline[x1] != self._color): break elif x1 == len(self._refline): break elif (self._refline[x1-1] == self._color and self._refline[x1] != self._color): break x1 += 1 while 1: if x1 == 0: if (self._color == 0 and self._refline[x1] == self._color): break elif x1 == len(self._refline): break elif (self._refline[x1-1] != self._color and self._refline[x1] == self._color): break x1 += 1 for x in range(self._curpos, x1): self._curline[x] = self._color self._curpos = x1 return def _do_horizontal(self, n1, n2): #print '* horizontal(%d,%d): curpos=%r, color=%r' % (n1, n2, self._curpos, self._color) if self._curpos < 0: self._curpos = 0 x = self._curpos for _ in range(n1): if len(self._curline) <= x: break self._curline[x] = self._color x += 1 for _ in range(n2): if len(self._curline) <= x: break self._curline[x] = 1-self._color x += 1 self._curpos = x return def _do_uncompressed(self, bits): #print '* uncompressed(%r): curpos=%r' % (bits, self._curpos) for c in bits: self._curline[self._curpos] = int(c) self._curpos += 1 self._flush_line() return class CCITTFaxDecoder(CCITTG4Parser): def __init__(self, width, bytealign=False, reversed=False): CCITTG4Parser.__init__(self, width, bytealign=bytealign) self.reversed = reversed self._buf = b'' return def close(self): return self._buf def output_line(self, y, bits): bytes = array.array('B', [0]*((len(bits)+7)//8)) if self.reversed: bits = [1-b for b in bits] for (i, b) in enumerate(bits): if b: bytes[i//8] += (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1)[i % 8] self._buf += bytes.tostring() return def ccittfaxdecode(data, params): K = params.get('K') cols = params.get('Columns') bytealign = params.get('EncodedByteAlign') reversed = params.get('BlackIs1') if K == -1: parser = CCITTFaxDecoder(cols, bytealign=bytealign, reversed=reversed) else: raise ValueError(K) parser.feedbytes(data) return parser.close() # test def main(argv): if not argv[1:]: return unittest.main() class Parser(CCITTG4Parser): def __init__(self, width, bytealign=False): import pygame CCITTG4Parser.__init__(self, width, bytealign=bytealign) self.img = pygame.Surface((self.width, 1000)) return def output_line(self, y, bits): for (x, b) in enumerate(bits): if b: self.img.set_at((x, y), (255, 255, 255)) else: self.img.set_at((x, y), (0, 0, 0)) return def close(self): import pygame pygame.image.save(self.img, 'out.bmp') return for path in argv[1:]: fp = open(path, 'rb') (_, _, k, w, h, _) = path.split('.') parser = Parser(int(w)) parser.feedbytes(fp.read()) parser.close() fp.close() return if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))