.. _tutorial_commandline: Get started with command-line tools *********************************** pdfminer.six has several tools that can be used from the command line. The command-line tools are aimed at users that occasionally want to extract text from a pdf. Take a look at the high-level or composable interface if you want to use pdfminer.six programmatically. Examples ======== pdf2txt.py ---------- :: $ python tools/pdf2txt.py example.pdf all the text from the pdf appears on the command line The :ref:`api_pdf2txt` tool extracts all the text from a PDF. It uses layout analysis with sensible defaults to order and group the text in a sensible way. dumppdf.py ---------- :: $ python tools/dumppdf.py -a example.pdf ... ... The :ref:`api_dumppdf` tool can be used to extract the internal structure from a PDF. This tool is primarily for debugging purposes, but that can be useful to anybody working with PDF's.