import logging import re import struct from hashlib import sha256, md5, sha384, sha512 from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, KeysView, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union, cast) from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from . import settings from .arcfour import Arcfour from .pdfparser import PDFSyntaxError, PDFParser, PDFStreamParser from .pdftypes import DecipherCallable, PDFException, PDFTypeError, PDFStream,\ PDFObjectNotFound, decipher_all, int_value, str_value, list_value, \ uint_value, dict_value, stream_value from .psparser import PSEOF, literal_name, LIT, KWD from .utils import choplist, nunpack, decode_text log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PDFNoValidXRef(PDFSyntaxError): pass class PDFNoValidXRefWarning(SyntaxWarning): pass class PDFNoOutlines(PDFException): pass class PDFDestinationNotFound(PDFException): pass class PDFEncryptionError(PDFException): pass class PDFEncryptionWarning(UserWarning): pass class PDFTextExtractionNotAllowedWarning(UserWarning): pass class PDFTextExtractionNotAllowed(PDFEncryptionError): pass class PDFTextExtractionNotAllowedError(PDFTextExtractionNotAllowed): def __init__(self, *args: object) -> None: from warnings import warn warn('PDFTextExtractionNotAllowedError will be removed in the future. ' 'Use PDFTextExtractionNotAllowed instead.', DeprecationWarning) super().__init__(*args) # some predefined literals and keywords. LITERAL_OBJSTM = LIT('ObjStm') LITERAL_XREF = LIT('XRef') LITERAL_CATALOG = LIT('Catalog') class PDFBaseXRef: def get_trailer(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: raise NotImplementedError def get_objids(self) -> Iterable[int]: return [] # Must return # (strmid, index, genno) # or (None, pos, genno) def get_pos(self, objid: int) -> Tuple[Optional[int], int, int]: raise KeyError(objid) def load(self, parser: PDFParser) -> None: raise NotImplementedError class PDFXRef(PDFBaseXRef): def __init__(self) -> None: self.offsets: Dict[int, Tuple[Optional[int], int, int]] = {} self.trailer: Dict[str, Any] = {} return def __repr__(self) -> str: return '' % (self.offsets.keys()) def load(self, parser: PDFParser) -> None: while True: try: (pos, line) = parser.nextline() line = line.strip() if not line: continue except PSEOF: raise PDFNoValidXRef('Unexpected EOF - file corrupted?') if line.startswith(b'trailer'): break f = line.split(b' ') if len(f) != 2: error_msg = 'Trailer not found: {!r}: line={!r}'\ .format(parser, line) raise PDFNoValidXRef(error_msg) try: (start, nobjs) = map(int, f) except ValueError: error_msg = 'Invalid line: {!r}: line={!r}'\ .format(parser, line) raise PDFNoValidXRef(error_msg) for objid in range(start, start+nobjs): try: (_, line) = parser.nextline() line = line.strip() except PSEOF: raise PDFNoValidXRef('Unexpected EOF - file corrupted?') f = line.split(b' ') if len(f) != 3: error_msg = 'Invalid XRef format: {!r}, line={!r}'\ .format(parser, line) raise PDFNoValidXRef(error_msg) (pos_b, genno_b, use_b) = f if use_b != b'n': continue self.offsets[objid] = (None, int(pos_b), int(genno_b))'xref objects: %r', self.offsets) self.load_trailer(parser) return def load_trailer(self, parser: PDFParser) -> None: try: (_, kwd) = parser.nexttoken() assert kwd is KWD(b'trailer'), str(kwd) (_, dic) = parser.nextobject() except PSEOF: x = parser.pop(1) if not x: raise PDFNoValidXRef('Unexpected EOF - file corrupted') (_, dic) = x[0] self.trailer.update(dict_value(dic)) log.debug('trailer=%r', self.trailer) return def get_trailer(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self.trailer def get_objids(self) -> KeysView[int]: return self.offsets.keys() def get_pos(self, objid: int) -> Tuple[Optional[int], int, int]: try: return self.offsets[objid] except KeyError: raise class PDFXRefFallback(PDFXRef): def __repr__(self) -> str: return '' % (self.offsets.keys()) PDFOBJ_CUE = re.compile(r'^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+obj\b') def load(self, parser: PDFParser) -> None: while 1: try: (pos, line_bytes) = parser.nextline() except PSEOF: break if line_bytes.startswith(b'trailer'): self.load_trailer(parser)'trailer: %r', self.trailer) break line = line_bytes.decode('latin-1') # default pdf encoding m = self.PDFOBJ_CUE.match(line) if not m: continue (objid_s, genno_s) = m.groups() objid = int(objid_s) genno = int(genno_s) self.offsets[objid] = (None, pos, genno) # expand ObjStm. (_, obj) = parser.nextobject() if isinstance(obj, PDFStream) \ and obj.get('Type') is LITERAL_OBJSTM: stream = stream_value(obj) try: n = stream['N'] except KeyError: if settings.STRICT: raise PDFSyntaxError('N is not defined: %r' % stream) n = 0 parser1 = PDFStreamParser(stream.get_data()) objs: List[int] = [] try: while 1: (_, obj) = parser1.nextobject() objs.append(cast(int, obj)) except PSEOF: pass n = min(n, len(objs)//2) for index in range(n): objid1 = objs[index*2] self.offsets[objid1] = (objid, index, 0) return class PDFXRefStream(PDFBaseXRef): def __init__(self) -> None: Optional[bytes] = None self.entlen: Optional[int] = None self.fl1: Optional[int] = None self.fl2: Optional[int] = None self.fl3: Optional[int] = None self.ranges: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [] return def __repr__(self) -> str: return '' % (self.ranges) def load(self, parser: PDFParser) -> None: (_, objid) = parser.nexttoken() # ignored (_, genno) = parser.nexttoken() # ignored (_, kwd) = parser.nexttoken() (_, stream) = parser.nextobject() if not isinstance(stream, PDFStream) \ or stream.get('Type') is not LITERAL_XREF: raise PDFNoValidXRef('Invalid PDF stream spec.') size = stream['Size'] index_array = stream.get('Index', (0, size)) if len(index_array) % 2 != 0: raise PDFSyntaxError('Invalid index number') self.ranges.extend(cast(Iterator[Tuple[int, int]], choplist(2, index_array))) (self.fl1, self.fl2, self.fl3) = stream['W'] assert (self.fl1 is not None and self.fl2 is not None and self.fl3 is not None) = stream.get_data() self.entlen = self.fl1+self.fl2+self.fl3 self.trailer = stream.attrs'xref stream: objid=%s, fields=%d,%d,%d', ', '.join(map(repr, self.ranges)), self.fl1, self.fl2, self.fl3) return def get_trailer(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self.trailer def get_objids(self) -> Iterator[int]: for (start, nobjs) in self.ranges: for i in range(nobjs): assert self.entlen is not None assert is not None offset = self.entlen * i ent =[offset:offset+self.entlen] f1 = nunpack(ent[:self.fl1], 1) if f1 == 1 or f1 == 2: yield start+i return def get_pos(self, objid: int) -> Tuple[Optional[int], int, int]: index = 0 for (start, nobjs) in self.ranges: if start <= objid and objid < start+nobjs: index += objid - start break else: index += nobjs else: raise KeyError(objid) assert self.entlen is not None assert is not None assert (self.fl1 is not None and self.fl2 is not None and self.fl3 is not None) offset = self.entlen * index ent =[offset:offset+self.entlen] f1 = nunpack(ent[:self.fl1], 1) f2 = nunpack(ent[self.fl1:self.fl1+self.fl2]) f3 = nunpack(ent[self.fl1+self.fl2:]) if f1 == 1: return (None, f2, f3) elif f1 == 2: return (f2, f3, 0) else: # this is a free object raise KeyError(objid) class PDFStandardSecurityHandler: PASSWORD_PADDING = (b'(\xbfN^Nu\x8aAd\x00NV\xff\xfa\x01\x08' b'..\x00\xb6\xd0h>\x80/\x0c\xa9\xfedSiz') supported_revisions: Tuple[int, ...] = (2, 3) def __init__( self, docid: Sequence[bytes], param: Dict[str, Any], password: str = '' ) -> None: self.docid = docid self.param = param self.password = password self.init() return def init(self) -> None: self.init_params() if self.r not in self.supported_revisions: error_msg = 'Unsupported revision: param=%r' % self.param raise PDFEncryptionError(error_msg) self.init_key() return def init_params(self) -> None: self.v = int_value(self.param.get('V', 0)) self.r = int_value(self.param['R']) self.p = uint_value(self.param['P'], 32) self.o = str_value(self.param['O']) self.u = str_value(self.param['U']) self.length = int_value(self.param.get('Length', 40)) return def init_key(self) -> None: self.key = self.authenticate(self.password) if self.key is None: raise PDFPasswordIncorrect return def is_printable(self) -> bool: return bool(self.p & 4) def is_modifiable(self) -> bool: return bool(self.p & 8) def is_extractable(self) -> bool: return bool(self.p & 16) def compute_u(self, key: bytes) -> bytes: if self.r == 2: # Algorithm 3.4 return Arcfour(key).encrypt(self.PASSWORD_PADDING) # 2 else: # Algorithm 3.5 hash = md5(self.PASSWORD_PADDING) # 2 hash.update(self.docid[0]) # 3 result = Arcfour(key).encrypt(hash.digest()) # 4 for i in range(1, 20): # 5 k = b''.join(bytes((c ^ i,)) for c in iter(key)) result = Arcfour(k).encrypt(result) result += result # 6 return result def compute_encryption_key(self, password: bytes) -> bytes: # Algorithm 3.2 password = (password + self.PASSWORD_PADDING)[:32] # 1 hash = md5(password) # 2 hash.update(self.o) # 3 # See hash.update(struct.pack('= 4: if not cast(PDFStandardSecurityHandlerV4, self).encrypt_metadata: hash.update(b'\xff\xff\xff\xff') result = hash.digest() n = 5 if self.r >= 3: n = self.length // 8 for _ in range(50): result = md5(result[:n]).digest() return result[:n] def authenticate(self, password: str) -> Optional[bytes]: password_bytes = password.encode("latin1") key = self.authenticate_user_password(password_bytes) if key is None: key = self.authenticate_owner_password(password_bytes) return key def authenticate_user_password(self, password: bytes) -> Optional[bytes]: key = self.compute_encryption_key(password) if self.verify_encryption_key(key): return key else: return None def verify_encryption_key(self, key: bytes) -> bool: # Algorithm 3.6 u = self.compute_u(key) if self.r == 2: return u == self.u return u[:16] == self.u[:16] def authenticate_owner_password(self, password: bytes) -> Optional[bytes]: # Algorithm 3.7 password = (password + self.PASSWORD_PADDING)[:32] hash = md5(password) if self.r >= 3: for _ in range(50): hash = md5(hash.digest()) n = 5 if self.r >= 3: n = self.length // 8 key = hash.digest()[:n] if self.r == 2: user_password = Arcfour(key).decrypt(self.o) else: user_password = self.o for i in range(19, -1, -1): k = b''.join(bytes((c ^ i,)) for c in iter(key)) user_password = Arcfour(k).decrypt(user_password) return self.authenticate_user_password(user_password) def decrypt( self, objid: int, genno: int, data: bytes, attrs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> bytes: return self.decrypt_rc4(objid, genno, data) def decrypt_rc4(self, objid: int, genno: int, data: bytes) -> bytes: assert self.key is not None key = self.key + struct.pack(' None: super().init_params() self.length = 128 = dict_value(self.param.get('CF')) self.stmf = literal_name(self.param['StmF']) self.strf = literal_name(self.param['StrF']) self.encrypt_metadata = bool(self.param.get('EncryptMetadata', True)) if self.stmf != self.strf: error_msg = 'Unsupported crypt filter: param=%r' % self.param raise PDFEncryptionError(error_msg) self.cfm = {} for k, v in f = self.get_cfm(literal_name(v['CFM'])) if f is None: error_msg = 'Unknown crypt filter method: param=%r' \ % self.param raise PDFEncryptionError(error_msg) self.cfm[k] = f self.cfm['Identity'] = self.decrypt_identity if self.strf not in self.cfm: error_msg = 'Undefined crypt filter: param=%r' % self.param raise PDFEncryptionError(error_msg) return def get_cfm( self, name: str ) -> Optional[Callable[[int, int, bytes], bytes]]: if name == 'V2': return self.decrypt_rc4 elif name == 'AESV2': return self.decrypt_aes128 else: return None def decrypt( self, objid: int, genno: int, data: bytes, attrs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> bytes: if not self.encrypt_metadata and attrs is not None: t = attrs.get('Type') if t is not None and literal_name(t) == 'Metadata': return data if name is None: name = self.strf return self.cfm[name](objid, genno, data) def decrypt_identity(self, objid: int, genno: int, data: bytes) -> bytes: return data def decrypt_aes128(self, objid: int, genno: int, data: bytes) -> bytes: assert self.key is not None key = self.key + struct.pack(' None: super().init_params() self.length = 256 self.oe = str_value(self.param['OE']) self.ue = str_value(self.param['UE']) self.o_hash = self.o[:32] self.o_validation_salt = self.o[32:40] self.o_key_salt = self.o[40:] self.u_hash = self.u[:32] self.u_validation_salt = self.u[32:40] self.u_key_salt = self.u[40:] return def get_cfm( self, name: str ) -> Optional[Callable[[int, int, bytes], bytes]]: if name == 'AESV3': return self.decrypt_aes256 else: return None def authenticate(self, password: str) -> Optional[bytes]: password_b = self._normalize_password(password) hash = self._password_hash(password_b, self.o_validation_salt, self.u) if hash == self.o_hash: hash = self._password_hash(password_b, self.o_key_salt, self.u) cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(hash), modes.CBC(b'\0' * 16), backend=default_backend()) # type: ignore return cipher.decryptor().update(self.oe) # type: ignore hash = self._password_hash(password_b, self.u_validation_salt) if hash == self.u_hash: hash = self._password_hash(password_b, self.u_key_salt) cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(hash), modes.CBC(b'\0' * 16), backend=default_backend()) # type: ignore return cipher.decryptor().update(self.ue) # type: ignore return None def _normalize_password(self, password: str) -> bytes: if self.r == 6: # saslprep expects non-empty strings, apparently if not password: return b'' from ._saslprep import saslprep password = saslprep(password) return password.encode('utf-8')[:127] def _password_hash( self, password: bytes, salt: bytes, vector: Optional[bytes] = None ) -> bytes: """ Compute password hash depending on revision number """ if self.r == 5: return self._r5_password(password, salt, vector) return self._r6_password(password, salt[0:8], vector) def _r5_password( self, password: bytes, salt: bytes, vector: Optional[bytes] = None ) -> bytes: """ Compute the password for revision 5 """ hash = sha256(password) hash.update(salt) if vector is not None: hash.update(vector) return hash.digest() def _r6_password( self, password: bytes, salt: bytes, vector: Optional[bytes] = None ) -> bytes: """ Compute the password for revision 6 """ initial_hash = sha256(password) initial_hash.update(salt) if vector is not None: initial_hash.update(vector) k = initial_hash.digest() hashes = (sha256, sha384, sha512) round_no = last_byte_val = 0 while round_no < 64 or last_byte_val > round_no - 32: k1 = (password + k + (vector or b'')) * 64 e = self._aes_cbc_encrypt( key=k[:16], iv=k[16:32], data=k1 ) # compute the first 16 bytes of e, # interpreted as an unsigned integer mod 3 next_hash = hashes[self._bytes_mod_3(e[:16])] k = next_hash(e).digest() last_byte_val = e[len(e) - 1] round_no += 1 return k[:32] @staticmethod def _bytes_mod_3(input_bytes: bytes) -> int: # 256 is 1 mod 3, so we can just sum 'em return sum(b % 3 for b in input_bytes) % 3 def _aes_cbc_encrypt( self, key: bytes, iv: bytes, data: bytes ) -> bytes: cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(iv)) encryptor = cipher.encryptor() # type: ignore return encryptor.update(data) + encryptor.finalize() # type: ignore def decrypt_aes256(self, objid: int, genno: int, data: bytes) -> bytes: initialization_vector = data[:16] ciphertext = data[16:] assert self.key is not None cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(self.key), modes.CBC(initialization_vector), backend=default_backend()) # type: ignore return cipher.decryptor().update(ciphertext) # type: ignore class PDFDocument: """PDFDocument object represents a PDF document. Since a PDF file can be very big, normally it is not loaded at once. So PDF document has to cooperate with a PDF parser in order to dynamically import the data as processing goes. Typical usage: doc = PDFDocument(parser, password) obj = doc.getobj(objid) """ security_handler_registry: Dict[int, Type[PDFStandardSecurityHandler]] = { 1: PDFStandardSecurityHandler, 2: PDFStandardSecurityHandler, 4: PDFStandardSecurityHandlerV4, 5: PDFStandardSecurityHandlerV5, } def __init__( self, parser: PDFParser, password: str = '', caching: bool = True, fallback: bool = True ) -> None: "Set the document to use a given PDFParser object." self.caching = caching self.xrefs: List[PDFBaseXRef] = [] = [] self.catalog: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.encryption: Optional[Tuple[Any, Any]] = None self.decipher: Optional[DecipherCallable] = None self._parser = None self._cached_objs: Dict[int, Tuple[object, int]] = {} self._parsed_objs: Dict[int, Tuple[List[object], int]] = {} self._parser = parser self._parser.set_document(self) self.is_printable = self.is_modifiable = self.is_extractable = True # Retrieve the information of each header that was appended # (maybe multiple times) at the end of the document. try: pos = self.find_xref(parser) self.read_xref_from(parser, pos, self.xrefs) except PDFNoValidXRef: pass # fallback = True if fallback: parser.fallback = True newxref = PDFXRefFallback() newxref.load(parser) self.xrefs.append(newxref) for xref in self.xrefs: trailer = xref.get_trailer() if not trailer: continue # If there's an encryption info, remember it. if 'Encrypt' in trailer: if 'ID' in trailer: id_value = list_value(trailer['ID']) else: # Some documents may not have a /ID, use two empty # byte strings instead. Solves # id_value = (b'', b'') self.encryption = (id_value, dict_value(trailer['Encrypt'])) self._initialize_password(password) if 'Info' in trailer:['Info'])) if 'Root' in trailer: # Every PDF file must have exactly one /Root dictionary. self.catalog = dict_value(trailer['Root']) break else: raise PDFSyntaxError('No /Root object! - Is this really a PDF?') if self.catalog.get('Type') is not LITERAL_CATALOG: if settings.STRICT: raise PDFSyntaxError('Catalog not found!') return KEYWORD_OBJ = KWD(b'obj') # _initialize_password(password=b'') # Perform the initialization with a given password. def _initialize_password(self, password: str = '') -> None: assert self.encryption is not None (docid, param) = self.encryption if literal_name(param.get('Filter')) != 'Standard': raise PDFEncryptionError('Unknown filter: param=%r' % param) v = int_value(param.get('V', 0)) factory = self.security_handler_registry.get(v) if factory is None: raise PDFEncryptionError('Unknown algorithm: param=%r' % param) handler = factory(docid, param, password) self.decipher = handler.decrypt self.is_printable = handler.is_printable() self.is_modifiable = handler.is_modifiable() self.is_extractable = handler.is_extractable() assert self._parser is not None self._parser.fallback = False # need to read streams with exact length return def _getobj_objstm( self, stream: PDFStream, index: int, objid: int ) -> object: if stream.objid in self._parsed_objs: (objs, n) = self._parsed_objs[stream.objid] else: (objs, n) = self._get_objects(stream) if self.caching: assert stream.objid is not None self._parsed_objs[stream.objid] = (objs, n) i = n*2+index try: obj = objs[i] except IndexError: raise PDFSyntaxError('index too big: %r' % index) return obj def _get_objects(self, stream: PDFStream) -> Tuple[List[object], int]: if stream.get('Type') is not LITERAL_OBJSTM: if settings.STRICT: raise PDFSyntaxError('Not a stream object: %r' % stream) try: n = cast(int, stream['N']) except KeyError: if settings.STRICT: raise PDFSyntaxError('N is not defined: %r' % stream) n = 0 parser = PDFStreamParser(stream.get_data()) parser.set_document(self) objs: List[object] = [] try: while 1: (_, obj) = parser.nextobject() objs.append(obj) except PSEOF: pass return (objs, n) def _getobj_parse(self, pos: int, objid: int) -> object: assert self._parser is not None (_, objid1) = self._parser.nexttoken() # objid (_, genno) = self._parser.nexttoken() # genno (_, kwd) = self._parser.nexttoken() # hack around malformed pdf files # copied from # pdfminer/ # to solve # assert objid1 == objid, str((objid1, objid)) if objid1 != objid: x = [] while kwd is not self.KEYWORD_OBJ: (_, kwd) = self._parser.nexttoken() x.append(kwd) if len(x) >= 2: objid1 = x[-2] # #### end hack around malformed pdf files if objid1 != objid: raise PDFSyntaxError('objid mismatch: {!r}={!r}' .format(objid1, objid)) if kwd != KWD(b'obj'): raise PDFSyntaxError('Invalid object spec: offset=%r' % pos) (_, obj) = self._parser.nextobject() return obj # can raise PDFObjectNotFound def getobj(self, objid: int) -> object: """Get object from PDF :raises PDFException if PDFDocument is not initialized :raises PDFObjectNotFound if objid does not exist in PDF """ if not self.xrefs: raise PDFException('PDFDocument is not initialized') log.debug('getobj: objid=%r', objid) if objid in self._cached_objs: (obj, genno) = self._cached_objs[objid] else: for xref in self.xrefs: try: (strmid, index, genno) = xref.get_pos(objid) except KeyError: continue try: if strmid is not None: stream = stream_value(self.getobj(strmid)) obj = self._getobj_objstm(stream, index, objid) else: obj = self._getobj_parse(index, objid) if self.decipher: obj = decipher_all(self.decipher, objid, genno, obj) if isinstance(obj, PDFStream): obj.set_objid(objid, genno) break except (PSEOF, PDFSyntaxError): continue else: raise PDFObjectNotFound(objid) log.debug('register: objid=%r: %r', objid, obj) if self.caching: self._cached_objs[objid] = (obj, genno) return obj OutlineType = Tuple[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any] def get_outlines(self) -> Iterator[OutlineType]: if 'Outlines' not in self.catalog: raise PDFNoOutlines def search(entry: object, level: int ) -> Iterator[PDFDocument.OutlineType]: entry = dict_value(entry) if 'Title' in entry: if 'A' in entry or 'Dest' in entry: title = decode_text(str_value(entry['Title'])) dest = entry.get('Dest') action = entry.get('A') se = entry.get('SE') yield (level, title, dest, action, se) if 'First' in entry and 'Last' in entry: yield from search(entry['First'], level+1) if 'Next' in entry: yield from search(entry['Next'], level) return return search(self.catalog['Outlines'], 0) def lookup_name( self, cat: str, key: Union[str, bytes] ) -> Any: try: names = dict_value(self.catalog['Names']) except (PDFTypeError, KeyError): raise KeyError((cat, key)) # may raise KeyError d0 = dict_value(names[cat]) def lookup(d: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: if 'Limits' in d: (k1, k2) = list_value(d['Limits']) if key < k1 or k2 < key: return None if 'Names' in d: objs = list_value(d['Names']) names = dict(cast(Iterator[Tuple[Union[str, bytes], Any]], choplist(2, objs))) return names[key] if 'Kids' in d: for c in list_value(d['Kids']): v = lookup(dict_value(c)) if v: return v raise KeyError((cat, key)) return lookup(d0) def get_dest(self, name: Union[str, bytes]) -> Any: try: # PDF-1.2 or later obj = self.lookup_name('Dests', name) except KeyError: # PDF-1.1 or prior if 'Dests' not in self.catalog: raise PDFDestinationNotFound(name) d0 = dict_value(self.catalog['Dests']) if name not in d0: raise PDFDestinationNotFound(name) obj = d0[name] return obj # find_xref def find_xref(self, parser: PDFParser) -> int: """Internal function used to locate the first XRef.""" # search the last xref table by scanning the file backwards. prev = None for line in parser.revreadlines(): line = line.strip() log.debug('find_xref: %r', line) if line == b'startxref': break if line: prev = line else: raise PDFNoValidXRef('Unexpected EOF')'xref found: pos=%r', prev) assert prev is not None return int(prev) # read xref table def read_xref_from( self, parser: PDFParser, start: int, xrefs: List[PDFBaseXRef] ) -> None: """Reads XRefs from the given location.""" parser.reset() try: (pos, token) = parser.nexttoken() except PSEOF: raise PDFNoValidXRef('Unexpected EOF')'read_xref_from: start=%d, token=%r', start, token) if isinstance(token, int): # XRefStream: PDF-1.5 parser.reset() xref: PDFBaseXRef = PDFXRefStream() xref.load(parser) else: if token is parser.KEYWORD_XREF: parser.nextline() xref = PDFXRef() xref.load(parser) xrefs.append(xref) trailer = xref.get_trailer()'trailer: %r', trailer) if 'XRefStm' in trailer: pos = int_value(trailer['XRefStm']) self.read_xref_from(parser, pos, xrefs) if 'Prev' in trailer: # find previous xref pos = int_value(trailer['Prev']) self.read_xref_from(parser, pos, xrefs) return