from pdfminer.psparser import PSLiteral from typing import (BinaryIO, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, cast) from . import utils from .utils import Matrix, Point, Rect, PathSegment from .pdfcolor import PDFColorSpace from .pdffont import PDFFont from .pdffont import PDFUnicodeNotDefined from .pdfpage import PDFPage from .pdftypes import PDFStream if TYPE_CHECKING: from .pdfinterp import PDFGraphicState from .pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager from .pdfinterp import PDFTextState from .pdfinterp import PDFStackT PDFTextSeq = Iterable[Union[int, float, bytes]] class PDFDevice: """Translate the output of PDFPageInterpreter to the output that is needed """ def __init__(self, rsrcmgr: "PDFResourceManager") -> None: self.rsrcmgr = rsrcmgr self.ctm: Optional[Matrix] = None return def __repr__(self) -> str: return '' def __enter__(self) -> "PDFDevice": return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: object, exc_val: object, exc_tb: object ) -> None: self.close() def close(self) -> None: return def set_ctm(self, ctm: Matrix) -> None: self.ctm = ctm return def begin_tag( self, tag: PSLiteral, props: Optional["PDFStackT"] = None ) -> None: return def end_tag(self) -> None: return def do_tag( self, tag: PSLiteral, props: Optional["PDFStackT"] = None ) -> None: return def begin_page(self, page: PDFPage, ctm: Matrix) -> None: return def end_page(self, page: PDFPage) -> None: return def begin_figure(self, name: str, bbox: Rect, matrix: Matrix) -> None: return def end_figure(self, name: str) -> None: return def paint_path( self, graphicstate: "PDFGraphicState", stroke: bool, fill: bool, evenodd: bool, path: Sequence[PathSegment] ) -> None: return def render_image(self, name: str, stream: PDFStream) -> None: return def render_string( self, textstate: "PDFTextState", seq: PDFTextSeq, ncs: PDFColorSpace, graphicstate: "PDFGraphicState" ) -> None: return class PDFTextDevice(PDFDevice): def render_string( self, textstate: "PDFTextState", seq: PDFTextSeq, ncs: PDFColorSpace, graphicstate: "PDFGraphicState" ) -> None: assert self.ctm is not None matrix = utils.mult_matrix(textstate.matrix, self.ctm) font = textstate.font fontsize = textstate.fontsize scaling = textstate.scaling * .01 charspace = textstate.charspace * scaling wordspace = textstate.wordspace * scaling rise = textstate.rise assert font is not None if font.is_multibyte(): wordspace = 0 dxscale = .001 * fontsize * scaling if font.is_vertical(): textstate.linematrix = self.render_string_vertical( seq, matrix, textstate.linematrix, font, fontsize, scaling, charspace, wordspace, rise, dxscale, ncs, graphicstate) else: textstate.linematrix = self.render_string_horizontal( seq, matrix, textstate.linematrix, font, fontsize, scaling, charspace, wordspace, rise, dxscale, ncs, graphicstate) return def render_string_horizontal( self, seq: PDFTextSeq, matrix: Matrix, pos: Point, font: PDFFont, fontsize: float, scaling: float, charspace: float, wordspace: float, rise: float, dxscale: float, ncs: PDFColorSpace, graphicstate: "PDFGraphicState" ) -> Point: (x, y) = pos needcharspace = False for obj in seq: if isinstance(obj, (int, float)): x -= obj*dxscale needcharspace = True else: for cid in font.decode(obj): if needcharspace: x += charspace x += self.render_char( utils.translate_matrix(matrix, (x, y)), font, fontsize, scaling, rise, cid, ncs, graphicstate) if cid == 32 and wordspace: x += wordspace needcharspace = True return (x, y) def render_string_vertical( self, seq: PDFTextSeq, matrix: Matrix, pos: Point, font: PDFFont, fontsize: float, scaling: float, charspace: float, wordspace: float, rise: float, dxscale: float, ncs: PDFColorSpace, graphicstate: "PDFGraphicState" ) -> Point: (x, y) = pos needcharspace = False for obj in seq: if isinstance(obj, (int, float)): y -= obj*dxscale needcharspace = True else: for cid in font.decode(obj): if needcharspace: y += charspace y += self.render_char( utils.translate_matrix(matrix, (x, y)), font, fontsize, scaling, rise, cid, ncs, graphicstate) if cid == 32 and wordspace: y += wordspace needcharspace = True return (x, y) def render_char( self, matrix: Matrix, font: PDFFont, fontsize: float, scaling: float, rise: float, cid: int, ncs: PDFColorSpace, graphicstate: "PDFGraphicState" ) -> float: return 0 class TagExtractor(PDFDevice): def __init__( self, rsrcmgr: "PDFResourceManager", outfp: BinaryIO, codec: str = 'utf-8' ) -> None: PDFDevice.__init__(self, rsrcmgr) self.outfp = outfp self.codec = codec self.pageno = 0 self._stack: List[PSLiteral] = [] return def render_string( self, textstate: "PDFTextState", seq: PDFTextSeq, ncs: PDFColorSpace, graphicstate: "PDFGraphicState" ) -> None: font = textstate.font assert font is not None text = '' for obj in seq: if isinstance(obj, str): obj = utils.make_compat_bytes(obj) if not isinstance(obj, bytes): continue chars = font.decode(obj) for cid in chars: try: char = font.to_unichr(cid) text += char except PDFUnicodeNotDefined: pass self._write(utils.enc(text)) return def begin_page(self, page: PDFPage, ctm: Matrix) -> None: output = '' %\ (self.pageno, utils.bbox2str(page.mediabox), page.rotate) self._write(output) return def end_page(self, page: PDFPage) -> None: self._write('\n') self.pageno += 1 return def begin_tag(self, tag: PSLiteral, props: Optional["PDFStackT"] = None ) -> None: s = '' if isinstance(props, dict): s = ''.join([ ' {}="{}"'.format(utils.enc(k), utils.make_compat_str(v)) for (k, v) in sorted(props.items()) ]) out_s = '<{}{}>'.format(utils.enc(cast(str,, s) self._write(out_s) self._stack.append(tag) return def end_tag(self) -> None: assert self._stack, str(self.pageno) tag = self._stack.pop(-1) out_s = '' % utils.enc(cast(str, self._write(out_s) return def do_tag(self, tag: PSLiteral, props: Optional["PDFStackT"] = None ) -> None: self.begin_tag(tag, props) self._stack.pop(-1) return def _write(self, s: str) -> None: self.outfp.write(s.encode(self.codec))