#!/usr/bin/env python """ Converts PDF text content (though not images containing text) to plain text, html, xml or "tags". """ import sys import logging import six import pdfminer.settings pdfminer.settings.STRICT = False import pdfminer.high_level import pdfminer.layout from pdfminer.image import ImageWriter def extract_text(files=[], outfile='-', _py2_no_more_posargs=None, # Bloody Python2 needs a shim no_laparams=False, all_texts=None, detect_vertical=None, # LAParams word_margin=None, char_margin=None, line_margin=None, boxes_flow=None, # LAParams output_type='text', codec='utf-8', strip_control=False, maxpages=0, page_numbers=None, password="", scale=1.0, rotation=0, layoutmode='normal', output_dir=None, debug=False, disable_caching=False, **other): if _py2_no_more_posargs is not None: raise ValueError("Too many positional arguments passed.") if not files: raise ValueError("Must provide files to work upon!") # If any LAParams group arguments were passed, create an LAParams object and # populate with given args. Otherwise, set it to None. if not no_laparams: laparams = pdfminer.layout.LAParams() for param in ("all_texts", "detect_vertical", "word_margin", "char_margin", "line_margin", "boxes_flow"): paramv = locals().get(param, None) if paramv is not None: setattr(laparams, param, paramv) else: laparams = None imagewriter = None if output_dir: imagewriter = ImageWriter(output_dir) if output_type == "text" and outfile != "-": for override, alttype in ( (".htm", "html"), (".html", "html"), (".xml", "xml"), (".tag", "tag") ): if outfile.endswith(override): output_type = alttype if outfile == "-": outfp = sys.stdout if outfp.encoding is not None: codec = 'utf-8' else: outfp = open(outfile, "wb") for fname in files: with open(fname, "rb") as fp: pdfminer.high_level.extract_text_to_fp(fp, **locals()) return outfp # main def main(args=None): import argparse P = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) P.add_argument("files", type=str, default=None, nargs="+", help="Files to process.") P.add_argument("-d", "--debug", default=False, action="store_true", help="Debug output.") P.add_argument("-p", "--pagenos", type=str, help="Comma-separated list of page numbers to parse. Included for legacy applications, use -P/--page-numbers for more idiomatic argument entry.") P.add_argument("--page-numbers", type=int, default=None, nargs="+", help="Alternative to --pagenos with space-separated numbers; supercedes --pagenos where it is used.") P.add_argument("-m", "--maxpages", type=int, default=0, help = "Maximum pages to parse") P.add_argument("-P", "--password", type=str, default="", help = "Decryption password for PDF") P.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", type=str, default="-", help="Output file (default/'-' is stdout)") P.add_argument("-t", "--output_type", type=str, default="text", help = "Output type: text|html|xml|tag (default is text)") P.add_argument("-c", "--codec", type=str, default="utf-8", help = "Text encoding") P.add_argument("-s", "--scale", type=float, default=1.0, help = "Scale") P.add_argument("-A", "--all-texts", default=None, action="store_true", help="LAParams all texts") P.add_argument("-V", "--detect-vertical", default=None, action="store_true", help="LAParams detect vertical") P.add_argument("-W", "--word-margin", type=float, default=None, help = "LAParams word margin") P.add_argument("-M", "--char-margin", type=float, default=None, help = "LAParams char margin") P.add_argument("-L", "--line-margin", type=float, default=None, help = "LAParams line margin") P.add_argument("-F", "--boxes-flow", type=float, default=None, help = "LAParams boxes flow") P.add_argument("-Y", "--layoutmode", default="normal", type=str, help="HTML Layout Mode") P.add_argument("-n", "--no-laparams", default=False, action="store_true", help = "Pass None as LAParams") P.add_argument("-R", "--rotation", default=0, type=int, help = "Rotation") P.add_argument("-O", "--output-dir", default=None, help="Output directory for images") P.add_argument("-C", "--disable-caching", default=False, action="store_true", help="Disable caching") P.add_argument("-S", "--strip-control", default=False, action="store_true", help="Strip control in XML mode") A = P.parse_args(args=args) if A.page_numbers: A.page_numbers = set([x-1 for x in A.page_numbers]) if A.pagenos: A.page_numbers = set([int(x)-1 for x in A.pagenos.split(",")]) imagewriter = None if A.output_dir: imagewriter = ImageWriter(A.output_dir) if six.PY2 and sys.stdin.encoding: A.password = A.password.decode(sys.stdin.encoding) if A.output_type == "text" and A.outfile != "-": for override, alttype in ( (".htm", "html"), (".html", "html"), (".xml", "xml" ), (".tag", "tag" ) ): if A.outfile.endswith(override): A.output_type = alttype if A.outfile == "-": outfp = sys.stdout if outfp.encoding is not None: # Why ignore outfp.encoding? :-/ stupid cathal? A.codec = 'utf-8' else: outfp = open(A.outfile, "wb") ## Test Code outfp = extract_text(**vars(A)) outfp.close() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())