#!/usr/bin/env python from utils import INF, Plane, get_bound, uniq, csort, fsplit from utils import bbox2str, matrix2str, apply_matrix_pt ## IndexAssigner ## class IndexAssigner(object): def __init__(self, index=0): self.index = index return def run(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, LTTextBox): obj.index = self.index self.index += 1 elif isinstance(obj, LTTextGroup): for x in obj: self.run(x) return ## LAParams ## class LAParams(object): def __init__(self, line_overlap=0.5, char_margin=2.0, line_margin=0.5, word_margin=0.1, boxes_flow=0.5, detect_vertical=False, all_texts=False): self.line_overlap = line_overlap self.char_margin = char_margin self.line_margin = line_margin self.word_margin = word_margin self.boxes_flow = boxes_flow self.detect_vertical = detect_vertical self.all_texts = all_texts return def __repr__(self): return ('' % (self.char_margin, self.line_margin, self.word_margin, self.all_texts)) ## LTItem ## class LTItem(object): def analyze(self, laparams): """Perform the layout analysis.""" return ## LTText ## class LTText(object): def __repr__(self): return ('<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.get_text())) def get_text(self): raise NotImplementedError ## LTComponent ## class LTComponent(LTItem): def __init__(self, bbox): LTItem.__init__(self) self.set_bbox(bbox) return def __repr__(self): return ('<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, bbox2str(self.bbox))) def set_bbox(self, bbox): (x0, y0, x1, y1) = bbox self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.x1 = x1 self.y1 = y1 self.width = x1-x0 self.height = y1-y0 self.bbox = bbox return def is_empty(self): return self.width <= 0 or self.height <= 0 def is_hoverlap(self, obj): assert isinstance(obj, LTComponent) return obj.x0 <= self.x1 and self.x0 <= obj.x1 def hdistance(self, obj): assert isinstance(obj, LTComponent) if self.is_hoverlap(obj): return 0 else: return min(abs(self.x0-obj.x1), abs(self.x1-obj.x0)) def hoverlap(self, obj): assert isinstance(obj, LTComponent) if self.is_hoverlap(obj): return min(abs(self.x0-obj.x1), abs(self.x1-obj.x0)) else: return 0 def is_voverlap(self, obj): assert isinstance(obj, LTComponent) return obj.y0 <= self.y1 and self.y0 <= obj.y1 def vdistance(self, obj): assert isinstance(obj, LTComponent) if self.is_voverlap(obj): return 0 else: return min(abs(self.y0-obj.y1), abs(self.y1-obj.y0)) def voverlap(self, obj): assert isinstance(obj, LTComponent) if self.is_voverlap(obj): return min(abs(self.y0-obj.y1), abs(self.y1-obj.y0)) else: return 0 ## LTCurve ## class LTCurve(LTComponent): def __init__(self, linewidth, pts): LTComponent.__init__(self, get_bound(pts)) self.pts = pts self.linewidth = linewidth return def get_pts(self): return ','.join('%.3f,%.3f' % p for p in self.pts) ## LTLine ## class LTLine(LTCurve): def __init__(self, linewidth, p0, p1): LTCurve.__init__(self, linewidth, [p0, p1]) return ## LTRect ## class LTRect(LTCurve): def __init__(self, linewidth, bbox): (x0, y0, x1, y1) = bbox LTCurve.__init__(self, linewidth, [(x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1)]) return ## LTImage ## class LTImage(LTComponent): def __init__(self, name, stream, bbox): LTComponent.__init__(self, bbox) self.name = name self.stream = stream self.srcsize = (stream.get_any(('W', 'Width')), stream.get_any(('H', 'Height'))) self.imagemask = stream.get_any(('IM', 'ImageMask')) self.bits = stream.get_any(('BPC', 'BitsPerComponent'), 1) self.colorspace = stream.get_any(('CS', 'ColorSpace')) if not isinstance(self.colorspace, list): self.colorspace = [self.colorspace] return def __repr__(self): return ('<%s(%s) %s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name, bbox2str(self.bbox), self.srcsize)) ## LTAnno ## class LTAnno(LTItem, LTText): def __init__(self, text): self._text = text return def get_text(self): return self._text ## LTChar ## class LTChar(LTComponent, LTText): def __init__(self, matrix, font, fontsize, scaling, rise, text, textwidth, textdisp): LTText.__init__(self) self._text = text self.matrix = matrix self.fontname = font.fontname self.adv = textwidth * fontsize * scaling # compute the boundary rectangle. if font.is_vertical(): # vertical width = font.get_width() * fontsize (vx, vy) = textdisp if vx is None: vx = width * 0.5 else: vx = vx * fontsize * .001 vy = (1000 - vy) * fontsize * .001 tx = -vx ty = vy + rise bll = (tx, ty+self.adv) bur = (tx+width, ty) else: # horizontal height = font.get_height() * fontsize descent = font.get_descent() * fontsize ty = descent + rise bll = (0, ty) bur = (self.adv, ty+height) (a, b, c, d, e, f) = self.matrix self.upright = (0 < a*d*scaling and b*c <= 0) (x0, y0) = apply_matrix_pt(self.matrix, bll) (x1, y1) = apply_matrix_pt(self.matrix, bur) if x1 < x0: (x0, x1) = (x1, x0) if y1 < y0: (y0, y1) = (y1, y0) LTComponent.__init__(self, (x0, y0, x1, y1)) if font.is_vertical(): self.size = self.width else: self.size = self.height return def __repr__(self): return ('<%s %s matrix=%s font=%r adv=%s text=%r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, bbox2str(self.bbox), matrix2str(self.matrix), self.fontname, self.adv, self.get_text())) def get_text(self): return self._text def is_compatible(self, obj): """Returns True if two characters can coexist in the same line.""" return True ## LTContainer ## class LTContainer(LTComponent): def __init__(self, bbox): LTComponent.__init__(self, bbox) self._objs = [] return def __iter__(self): return iter(self._objs) def __len__(self): return len(self._objs) def add(self, obj): self._objs.append(obj) return def extend(self, objs): for obj in objs: self.add(obj) return def analyze(self, laparams): for obj in self._objs: obj.analyze(laparams) return ## LTExpandableContainer ## class LTExpandableContainer(LTContainer): def __init__(self): LTContainer.__init__(self, (+INF, +INF, -INF, -INF)) return def add(self, obj): LTContainer.add(self, obj) self.set_bbox((min(self.x0, obj.x0), min(self.y0, obj.y0), max(self.x1, obj.x1), max(self.y1, obj.y1))) return ## LTTextContainer ## class LTTextContainer(LTExpandableContainer, LTText): def __init__(self): LTText.__init__(self) LTExpandableContainer.__init__(self) return def get_text(self): return ''.join(obj.get_text() for obj in self if isinstance(obj, LTText)) ## LTTextLine ## class LTTextLine(LTTextContainer): def __init__(self, word_margin): LTTextContainer.__init__(self) self.word_margin = word_margin return def __repr__(self): return ('<%s %s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, bbox2str(self.bbox), self.get_text())) def analyze(self, laparams): LTTextContainer.analyze(self, laparams) LTContainer.add(self, LTAnno('\n')) return def find_neighbors(self, plane, ratio): raise NotImplementedError class LTTextLineHorizontal(LTTextLine): def __init__(self, word_margin): LTTextLine.__init__(self, word_margin) self._x1 = +INF return def add(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, LTChar) and self.word_margin: margin = self.word_margin * max(obj.width, obj.height) if self._x1 < obj.x0-margin: LTContainer.add(self, LTAnno(' ')) self._x1 = obj.x1 LTTextLine.add(self, obj) return def find_neighbors(self, plane, ratio): d = ratio*self.height objs = plane.find((self.x0, self.y0-d, self.x1, self.y1+d)) return [obj for obj in objs if (isinstance(obj, LTTextLineHorizontal) and abs(obj.height-self.height) < d and (abs(obj.x0-self.x0) < d or abs(obj.x1-self.x1) < d))] class LTTextLineVertical(LTTextLine): def __init__(self, word_margin): LTTextLine.__init__(self, word_margin) self._y0 = -INF return def add(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, LTChar) and self.word_margin: margin = self.word_margin * max(obj.width, obj.height) if obj.y1+margin < self._y0: LTContainer.add(self, LTAnno(' ')) self._y0 = obj.y0 LTTextLine.add(self, obj) return def find_neighbors(self, plane, ratio): d = ratio*self.width objs = plane.find((self.x0-d, self.y0, self.x1+d, self.y1)) return [obj for obj in objs if (isinstance(obj, LTTextLineVertical) and abs(obj.width-self.width) < d and (abs(obj.y0-self.y0) < d or abs(obj.y1-self.y1) < d))] ## LTTextBox ## ## A set of text objects that are grouped within ## a certain rectangular area. ## class LTTextBox(LTTextContainer): def __init__(self): LTTextContainer.__init__(self) self.index = -1 return def __repr__(self): return ('<%s(%s) %s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.index, bbox2str(self.bbox), self.get_text())) class LTTextBoxHorizontal(LTTextBox): def analyze(self, laparams): LTTextBox.analyze(self, laparams) self._objs = csort(self._objs, key=lambda obj: -obj.y1) return def get_writing_mode(self): return 'lr-tb' class LTTextBoxVertical(LTTextBox): def analyze(self, laparams): LTTextBox.analyze(self, laparams) self._objs = csort(self._objs, key=lambda obj: -obj.x1) return def get_writing_mode(self): return 'tb-rl' ## LTTextGroup ## class LTTextGroup(LTTextContainer): def __init__(self, objs): LTTextContainer.__init__(self) self.extend(objs) return class LTTextGroupLRTB(LTTextGroup): def analyze(self, laparams): LTTextGroup.analyze(self, laparams) # reorder the objects from top-left to bottom-right. self._objs = csort(self._objs, key=lambda obj: (1-laparams.boxes_flow)*(obj.x0) - (1+laparams.boxes_flow)*(obj.y0+obj.y1)) return class LTTextGroupTBRL(LTTextGroup): def analyze(self, laparams): LTTextGroup.analyze(self, laparams) # reorder the objects from top-right to bottom-left. self._objs = csort(self._objs, key=lambda obj: -(1+laparams.boxes_flow)*(obj.x0+obj.x1) - (1-laparams.boxes_flow)*(obj.y1)) return ## LTLayoutContainer ## class LTLayoutContainer(LTContainer): def __init__(self, bbox): LTContainer.__init__(self, bbox) self.groups = None return # group_objects: group text object to textlines. def group_objects(self, laparams, objs): obj0 = None line = None for obj1 in objs: if obj0 is not None: # halign: obj0 and obj1 is horizontally aligned. # # +------+ - - - # | obj0 | - - +------+ - # | | | obj1 | | (line_overlap) # +------+ - - | | - # - - - +------+ # # |<--->| # (char_margin) halign = (obj0.is_compatible(obj1) and obj0.is_voverlap(obj1) and (min(obj0.height, obj1.height) * laparams.line_overlap < obj0.voverlap(obj1)) and (obj0.hdistance(obj1) < max(obj0.width, obj1.width) * laparams.char_margin)) # valign: obj0 and obj1 is vertically aligned. # # +------+ # | obj0 | # | | # +------+ - - - # | | | (char_margin) # +------+ - - # | obj1 | # | | # +------+ # # |<-->| # (line_overlap) valign = (laparams.detect_vertical and obj0.is_compatible(obj1) and obj0.is_hoverlap(obj1) and (min(obj0.width, obj1.width) * laparams.line_overlap < obj0.hoverlap(obj1)) and (obj0.vdistance(obj1) < max(obj0.height, obj1.height) * laparams.char_margin)) if ((halign and isinstance(line, LTTextLineHorizontal)) or (valign and isinstance(line, LTTextLineVertical))): line.add(obj1) elif line is not None: yield line line = None else: if valign and not halign: line = LTTextLineVertical(laparams.word_margin) line.add(obj0) line.add(obj1) elif halign and not valign: line = LTTextLineHorizontal(laparams.word_margin) line.add(obj0) line.add(obj1) else: line = LTTextLineHorizontal(laparams.word_margin) line.add(obj0) yield line line = None obj0 = obj1 if line is None: line = LTTextLineHorizontal(laparams.word_margin) line.add(obj0) yield line return # group_textlines: group neighboring lines to textboxes. def group_textlines(self, laparams, lines): plane = Plane(self.bbox) plane.extend(lines) boxes = {} for line in lines: neighbors = line.find_neighbors(plane, laparams.line_margin) if line not in neighbors: continue members = [] for obj1 in neighbors: members.append(obj1) if obj1 in boxes: members.extend(boxes.pop(obj1)) if isinstance(line, LTTextLineHorizontal): box = LTTextBoxHorizontal() else: box = LTTextBoxVertical() for obj in uniq(members): box.add(obj) boxes[obj] = box done = set() for line in lines: if line not in boxes: continue box = boxes[line] if box in done: continue done.add(box) if not box.is_empty(): yield box return # group_textboxes: group textboxes hierarchically. def group_textboxes(self, laparams, boxes): assert boxes def dist(obj1, obj2): """A distance function between two TextBoxes. Consider the bounding rectangle for obj1 and obj2. Return its area less the areas of obj1 and obj2, shown as 'www' below. This value may be negative. +------+..........+ (x1, y1) | obj1 |wwwwwwwwww: +------+www+------+ :wwwwwwwwww| obj2 | (x0, y0) +..........+------+ """ x0 = min(obj1.x0, obj2.x0) y0 = min(obj1.y0, obj2.y0) x1 = max(obj1.x1, obj2.x1) y1 = max(obj1.y1, obj2.y1) return ((x1-x0)*(y1-y0) - obj1.width*obj1.height - obj2.width*obj2.height) def isany(obj1, obj2): """Check if there's any other object between obj1 and obj2. """ x0 = min(obj1.x0, obj2.x0) y0 = min(obj1.y0, obj2.y0) x1 = max(obj1.x1, obj2.x1) y1 = max(obj1.y1, obj2.y1) objs = set(plane.find((x0, y0, x1, y1))) return objs.difference((obj1, obj2)) # XXX this still takes O(n^2) :( dists = [] for i in xrange(len(boxes)): obj1 = boxes[i] for j in xrange(i+1, len(boxes)): obj2 = boxes[j] dists.append((0, dist(obj1, obj2), obj1, obj2)) # We could use dists.sort(), but it would randomize the test result. dists = csort(dists) plane = Plane(self.bbox) plane.extend(boxes) while dists: (c, d, obj1, obj2) = dists.pop(0) if c == 0 and isany(obj1, obj2): dists.append((1, d, obj1, obj2)) continue if (isinstance(obj1, (LTTextBoxVertical, LTTextGroupTBRL)) or isinstance(obj2, (LTTextBoxVertical, LTTextGroupTBRL))): group = LTTextGroupTBRL([obj1, obj2]) else: group = LTTextGroupLRTB([obj1, obj2]) plane.remove(obj1) plane.remove(obj2) dists = [ n for n in dists if (n[2] in plane and n[3] in plane) ] for other in plane: dists.append((0, dist(group, other), group, other)) dists = csort(dists) plane.add(group) assert len(plane) == 1 return list(plane) def analyze(self, laparams): # textobjs is a list of LTChar objects, i.e. # it has all the individual characters in the page. (textobjs, otherobjs) = fsplit(lambda obj: isinstance(obj, LTChar), self) for obj in otherobjs: obj.analyze(laparams) if not textobjs: return textlines = list(self.group_objects(laparams, textobjs)) (empties, textlines) = fsplit(lambda obj: obj.is_empty(), textlines) for obj in empties: obj.analyze(laparams) textboxes = list(self.group_textlines(laparams, textlines)) if textboxes: self.groups = self.group_textboxes(laparams, textboxes) assigner = IndexAssigner() for group in self.groups: group.analyze(laparams) assigner.run(group) textboxes.sort(key=lambda box: box.index) self._objs = textboxes + otherobjs + empties return ## LTFigure ## class LTFigure(LTLayoutContainer): def __init__(self, name, bbox, matrix): self.name = name self.matrix = matrix (x, y, w, h) = bbox bbox = get_bound(apply_matrix_pt(matrix, (p, q)) for (p, q) in ((x, y), (x+w, y), (x, y+h), (x+w, y+h))) LTLayoutContainer.__init__(self, bbox) return def __repr__(self): return ('<%s(%s) %s matrix=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name, bbox2str(self.bbox), matrix2str(self.matrix))) def analyze(self, laparams): if not laparams.all_texts: return LTLayoutContainer.analyze(self, laparams) return ## LTPage ## class LTPage(LTLayoutContainer): def __init__(self, pageid, bbox, rotate=0): LTLayoutContainer.__init__(self, bbox) self.pageid = pageid self.rotate = rotate return def __repr__(self): return ('<%s(%r) %s rotate=%r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.pageid, bbox2str(self.bbox), self.rotate))