
227 lines
6.8 KiB

import io
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
from pdfminer.converter import PDFLayoutAnalyzer, PDFConverter
from pdfminer.high_level import extract_pages
from pdfminer.layout import LTContainer, LTRect, LTLine, LTCurve
from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFGraphicState
class TestPaintPath:
def test_paint_path(self):
path = [('m', 6, 7), ('l', 7, 7)]
analyzer = self._get_analyzer()
analyzer.cur_item = LTContainer([0, 100, 0, 100])
analyzer.paint_path(PDFGraphicState(), False, False, False, path)
assert len(analyzer.cur_item._objs) == 1
def test_paint_path_mlllh(self):
path = [('m', 6, 7), ('l', 7, 7), ('l', 7, 91), ('l', 6, 91), ('h',)]
analyzer = self._get_analyzer()
analyzer.cur_item = LTContainer([0, 100, 0, 100])
analyzer.paint_path(PDFGraphicState(), False, False, False, path)
assert len(analyzer.cur_item) == 1
def test_paint_path_multiple_mlllh(self):
"""Path from samples/contrib/issue-00369-excel.pdf"""
path = [
('m', 6, 7), ('l', 7, 7), ('l', 7, 91), ('l', 6, 91), ('h',),
('m', 4, 7), ('l', 6, 7), ('l', 6, 91), ('l', 4, 91), ('h',),
('m', 67, 2), ('l', 68, 2), ('l', 68, 3), ('l', 67, 3), ('h',)
analyzer = self._get_analyzer()
analyzer.cur_item = LTContainer([0, 100, 0, 100])
analyzer.paint_path(PDFGraphicState(), False, False, False, path)
assert len(analyzer.cur_item._objs) == 3
def test_paint_path_quadrilaterals(self):
"""via https://github.com/pdfminer/pdfminer.six/issues/473"""
def parse(path):
analyzer = self._get_analyzer()
analyzer.cur_item = LTContainer([0, 1000, 0, 1000])
analyzer.paint_path(PDFGraphicState(), False, False, False, path)
return analyzer.cur_item._objs
def get_types(path):
return list(map(type, parse(path)))
# Standard rect
assert get_types(
("m", 10, 90),
("l", 90, 90),
("l", 90, 10),
("l", 10, 10),
) == [LTRect]
# Same but mllll variation
assert get_types(
("m", 10, 90),
("l", 90, 90),
("l", 90, 10),
("l", 10, 10),
("l", 10, 90),
) == [LTRect]
# Bowtie shape
assert get_types(
("m", 110, 90),
("l", 190, 10),
("l", 190, 90),
("l", 110, 10),
) == [LTCurve]
# Quadrilateral with one slanted side
assert get_types(
("m", 210, 90),
("l", 290, 60),
("l", 290, 10),
("l", 210, 10),
) == [LTCurve]
# Path with two rect subpaths
assert get_types(
("m", 310, 90),
("l", 350, 90),
("l", 350, 10),
("l", 310, 10),
("m", 350, 90),
("l", 390, 90),
("l", 390, 10),
("l", 350, 10),
) == [LTRect, LTRect]
# Path with one rect subpath and one pentagon
assert get_types(
("m", 410, 90),
("l", 445, 90),
("l", 445, 10),
("l", 410, 10),
("m", 455, 70),
("l", 475, 90),
("l", 490, 70),
("l", 490, 10),
("l", 455, 10),
) == [LTRect, LTCurve]
# Three types of simple lines
assert get_types(
# Vertical line
("m", 10, 30),
("l", 10, 40),
# Horizontal line
("m", 10, 50),
("l", 70, 50),
# Diagonal line
("m", 10, 10),
("l", 30, 30),
) == [LTLine, LTLine, LTLine]
# Same as above, but 'ml' variation
assert get_types(
# Vertical line
("m", 10, 30),
("l", 10, 40),
# Horizontal line
("m", 10, 50),
("l", 70, 50),
# Diagonal line
("m", 10, 10),
("l", 30, 30),
) == [LTLine, LTLine, LTLine]
# There are six lines in this one-page PDF;
# they all have shape 'ml' not 'mlh'
ml_pdf = extract_pages("samples/contrib/pr-00530-ml-lines.pdf")
ml_pdf_page = list(ml_pdf)[0]
assert sum(type(item) == LTLine for item in ml_pdf_page) == 6
def _get_analyzer(self):
analyzer = PDFLayoutAnalyzer(None)
analyzer.set_ctm([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
return analyzer
def test_paint_path_beziers(self):
"""See section 4.4, table 4.9 of the PDF reference manual"""
def parse(path):
analyzer = self._get_analyzer()
analyzer.cur_item = LTContainer([0, 1000, 0, 1000])
analyzer.paint_path(PDFGraphicState(), False, False, False, path)
return analyzer.cur_item._objs
# "c" operator
assert parse([
("m", 72.41, 433.89),
("c", 72.41, 434.45, 71.96, 434.89, 71.41, 434.89),
])[0].pts == [
(72.41, 433.89),
(71.41, 434.89),
# "v" operator
assert parse([
("m", 72.41, 433.89),
("v", 71.96, 434.89, 71.41, 434.89),
])[0].pts == [
(72.41, 433.89),
(71.41, 434.89),
# "y" operator
assert parse([
("m", 72.41, 433.89),
("y", 72.41, 434.45, 71.41, 434.89),
])[0].pts == [
(72.41, 433.89),
(71.41, 434.89),
class TestBinaryDetector():
def test_stringio(self):
assert not PDFConverter._is_binary_stream(io.StringIO())
def test_bytesio(self):
assert PDFConverter._is_binary_stream(io.BytesIO())
def test_tmpfile(self):
with TemporaryFile(mode='w') as f:
assert not PDFConverter._is_binary_stream(f)
def test_binary_tmpfile(self):
with TemporaryFile(mode='wb') as f:
assert PDFConverter._is_binary_stream(f)
def test_non_file_like_object_defaults_to_binary(self):
assert PDFConverter._is_binary_stream(object())
def test_textiowrapper(self):
assert not PDFConverter._is_binary_stream(io.TextIOBase())