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<title>PDFMiner Development Guide</title>
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<h1>PDFMiner Development Guide</h1>
This document describes how to use PDFMiner as a library
from other applications.
<li> <a href="#basic">Basic Usage</a>
<li> <a href="#layout">Layout Analysis</a>
<li> <a href="#toc">TOC Extraction</a>
<a name="basic">
<hr noshade>
<h2>Basic Usage</h2>
A typical way to parse a PDF file is the following:
from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFParser, PDFDocument
from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter
from pdfminer.pdfdevice import PDFDevice
<span class="comment"># Open a PDF file.</span>
fp = open('mypdf.pdf', 'rb')
<span class="comment"># Create a PDF parser object associated with the file object.</span>
parser = PDFParser(fp)
<span class="comment"># Create a PDF document object that stores the document structure.</span>
doc = PDFDocument()
<span class="comment"># Connect the parser and document objects.</span>
<span class="comment"># Supply the password for initialization.</span>
<span class="comment"># (If no password is set, give an empty string.)</span>
<span class="comment"># Check if the document allows text extraction. If not, abort.</span>
if not doc.is_extractable:
raise PDFTextExtractionNotAllowed
<span class="comment"># Create a PDF resource manager object that stores shared resources.</span>
rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()
<span class="comment"># Create a PDF device object.</span>
device = PDFDevice(rsrcmgr)
<span class="comment"># Create a PDF interpreter object.</span>
interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)
<span class="comment"># Process each page contained in the document.</span>
for page in doc.get_pages():
In PDFMiner, there are several Python classes involved in parsing a PDF file,
as shown in Figure 1.
<img src="objrel.png"><br>
<small>Figure 1. Relationships between PDFMiner objects</small>
<a name="layout">
<hr noshade>
<h2>Accessing Layout Objects</h2>
PDF documents are more like graphics, rather than text documents.
It presents no logical structure such as sentences or paragraphs (for most cases).
PDFMiner tries to reconstruct the original structure by performing
basic layout analysis.
from pdfminer.layout import LAParams
from pdfminer.converter import PDFPageAggregator
<span class="comment"># Set parameters for analysis.</span>
laparams = LAParams()
<span class="comment"># Create a PDF page aggregator object.</span>
device = PDFPageAggregator(rsrcmgr, laparams=laparams)
interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)
for page in doc.get_pages():
<span class="comment"># receive the top-level layout object.</span>
ltpage = device.get_result()
<li> <code>LTPage</code>
<li> <code>LTTextBox</code>
<li> <code>LTTextLine</code>
<li> <code>LTChar</code>
<li> <code>LTText</code>
<li> <code>LTFigure</code>
<li> <code>LTImage</code>
<li> <code>LTRect</code>
<li> <code>LTPolygon</code>
<li> <code>LTLine</code>
<a name="toc">
<hr noshade>
<h2>TOC Extraction</h2>
fp = open('mypdf.pdf', 'rb')
parser = PDFParser(fp)
doc = PDFDocument()
<span class="comment"># Get the outlines of the document.</span>
outlines = doc.get_outlines()
for (level,title,dest,a,se) in outlines:
print (level, title)
<hr noshade>
<address>Yusuke Shinyama</address>