import io import logging import re from typing import ( BinaryIO, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, Sequence, TextIO, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, cast, ) from pdfminer.pdfcolor import PDFColorSpace from . import utils from .image import ImageWriter from .layout import LAParams, LTComponent, TextGroupElement from .layout import LTAnno from .layout import LTChar from .layout import LTContainer from .layout import LTCurve from .layout import LTFigure from .layout import LTImage from .layout import LTItem from .layout import LTLayoutContainer from .layout import LTLine from .layout import LTPage from .layout import LTRect from .layout import LTText from .layout import LTTextBox from .layout import LTTextBoxVertical from .layout import LTTextGroup from .layout import LTTextLine from .pdfdevice import PDFTextDevice from .pdffont import PDFFont from .pdffont import PDFUnicodeNotDefined from .pdfinterp import PDFGraphicState, PDFResourceManager from .pdfpage import PDFPage from .pdftypes import PDFStream from .utils import AnyIO, Point, Matrix, Rect, PathSegment, make_compat_str from .utils import apply_matrix_pt from .utils import bbox2str from .utils import enc from .utils import mult_matrix log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PDFLayoutAnalyzer(PDFTextDevice): cur_item: LTLayoutContainer ctm: Matrix def __init__( self, rsrcmgr: PDFResourceManager, pageno: int = 1, laparams: Optional[LAParams] = None, ) -> None: PDFTextDevice.__init__(self, rsrcmgr) self.pageno = pageno self.laparams = laparams self._stack: List[LTLayoutContainer] = [] def begin_page(self, page: PDFPage, ctm: Matrix) -> None: (x0, y0, x1, y1) = page.mediabox (x0, y0) = apply_matrix_pt(ctm, (x0, y0)) (x1, y1) = apply_matrix_pt(ctm, (x1, y1)) mediabox = (0, 0, abs(x0 - x1), abs(y0 - y1)) self.cur_item = LTPage(self.pageno, mediabox) def end_page(self, page: PDFPage) -> None: assert not self._stack, str(len(self._stack)) assert isinstance(self.cur_item, LTPage), str(type(self.cur_item)) if self.laparams is not None: self.cur_item.analyze(self.laparams) self.pageno += 1 self.receive_layout(self.cur_item) def begin_figure(self, name: str, bbox: Rect, matrix: Matrix) -> None: self._stack.append(self.cur_item) self.cur_item = LTFigure(name, bbox, mult_matrix(matrix, self.ctm)) def end_figure(self, _: str) -> None: fig = self.cur_item assert isinstance(self.cur_item, LTFigure), str(type(self.cur_item)) self.cur_item = self._stack.pop() self.cur_item.add(fig) def render_image(self, name: str, stream: PDFStream) -> None: assert isinstance(self.cur_item, LTFigure), str(type(self.cur_item)) item = LTImage( name, stream, (self.cur_item.x0, self.cur_item.y0, self.cur_item.x1, self.cur_item.y1), ) self.cur_item.add(item) def paint_path( self, gstate: PDFGraphicState, stroke: bool, fill: bool, evenodd: bool, path: Sequence[PathSegment], ) -> None: """Paint paths described in section 4.4 of the PDF reference manual""" shape = "".join(x[0] for x in path) if shape[:1] != "m": # Per PDF Reference Section 4.4.1, "path construction operators may # be invoked in any sequence, but the first one invoked must be m # or re to begin a new subpath." Since pdfminer.six already # converts all `re` (rectangle) operators to their equivelent # `mlllh` representation, paths ingested by `.paint_path(...)` that # do not begin with the `m` operator are invalid. pass elif shape.count("m") > 1: # recurse if there are multiple m's in this shape for m in re.finditer(r"m[^m]+", shape): subpath = path[m.start(0) : m.end(0)] self.paint_path(gstate, stroke, fill, evenodd, subpath) else: # Although the 'h' command does not not literally provide a # point-position, its position is (by definition) equal to the # subpath's starting point. # # And, per Section 4.4's Table 4.9, all other path commands place # their point-position in their final two arguments. (Any preceding # arguments represent control points on Bézier curves.) raw_pts = [ cast(Point, p[-2:] if p[0] != "h" else path[0][-2:]) for p in path ] pts = [apply_matrix_pt(self.ctm, pt) for pt in raw_pts] operators = [str(operation[0]) for operation in path] transformed_points = [ [ apply_matrix_pt(self.ctm, (float(operand1), float(operand2))) for operand1, operand2 in zip(operation[1::2], operation[2::2]) ] for operation in path ] transformed_path = [ cast(PathSegment, (o, *p)) for o, p in zip(operators, transformed_points) ] if shape in {"mlh", "ml"}: # single line segment # # Note: 'ml', in conditional above, is a frequent anomaly # that we want to support. line = LTLine( gstate.linewidth, pts[0], pts[1], stroke, fill, evenodd, gstate.scolor, gstate.ncolor, original_path=transformed_path, dashing_style=gstate.dash, ) self.cur_item.add(line) elif shape in {"mlllh", "mllll"}: (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), _ = pts is_closed_loop = pts[0] == pts[4] has_square_coordinates = ( x0 == x1 and y1 == y2 and x2 == x3 and y3 == y0 ) or (y0 == y1 and x1 == x2 and y2 == y3 and x3 == x0) if is_closed_loop and has_square_coordinates: rect = LTRect( gstate.linewidth, (*pts[0], *pts[2]), stroke, fill, evenodd, gstate.scolor, gstate.ncolor, transformed_path, gstate.dash, ) self.cur_item.add(rect) else: curve = LTCurve( gstate.linewidth, pts, stroke, fill, evenodd, gstate.scolor, gstate.ncolor, transformed_path, gstate.dash, ) self.cur_item.add(curve) else: curve = LTCurve( gstate.linewidth, pts, stroke, fill, evenodd, gstate.scolor, gstate.ncolor, transformed_path, gstate.dash, ) self.cur_item.add(curve) def render_char( self, matrix: Matrix, font: PDFFont, fontsize: float, scaling: float, rise: float, cid: int, ncs: PDFColorSpace, graphicstate: PDFGraphicState, ) -> float: try: text = font.to_unichr(cid) assert isinstance(text, str), str(type(text)) except PDFUnicodeNotDefined: text = self.handle_undefined_char(font, cid) textwidth = font.char_width(cid) textdisp = font.char_disp(cid) item = LTChar( matrix, font, fontsize, scaling, rise, text, textwidth, textdisp, ncs, graphicstate, ) self.cur_item.add(item) return item.adv def handle_undefined_char(self, font: PDFFont, cid: int) -> str: log.debug("undefined: %r, %r", font, cid) return "(cid:%d)" % cid def receive_layout(self, ltpage: LTPage) -> None: pass class PDFPageAggregator(PDFLayoutAnalyzer): def __init__( self, rsrcmgr: PDFResourceManager, pageno: int = 1, laparams: Optional[LAParams] = None, ) -> None: PDFLayoutAnalyzer.__init__(self, rsrcmgr, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams) self.result: Optional[LTPage] = None def receive_layout(self, ltpage: LTPage) -> None: self.result = ltpage def get_result(self) -> LTPage: assert self.result is not None return self.result # Some PDFConverter children support only binary I/O IOType = TypeVar("IOType", TextIO, BinaryIO, AnyIO) class PDFConverter(PDFLayoutAnalyzer, Generic[IOType]): def __init__( self, rsrcmgr: PDFResourceManager, outfp: IOType, codec: str = "utf-8", pageno: int = 1, laparams: Optional[LAParams] = None, ) -> None: PDFLayoutAnalyzer.__init__(self, rsrcmgr, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams) self.outfp: IOType = outfp self.codec = codec self.outfp_binary = self._is_binary_stream(self.outfp) @staticmethod def _is_binary_stream(outfp: AnyIO) -> bool: """Test if an stream is binary or not""" if "b" in getattr(outfp, "mode", ""): return True elif hasattr(outfp, "mode"): # output stream has a mode, but it does not contain 'b' return False elif isinstance(outfp, io.BytesIO): return True elif isinstance(outfp, io.StringIO): return False elif isinstance(outfp, io.TextIOBase): return False return True class TextConverter(PDFConverter[AnyIO]): def __init__( self, rsrcmgr: PDFResourceManager, outfp: AnyIO, codec: str = "utf-8", pageno: int = 1, laparams: Optional[LAParams] = None, showpageno: bool = False, imagewriter: Optional[ImageWriter] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(rsrcmgr, outfp, codec=codec, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams) self.showpageno = showpageno self.imagewriter = imagewriter def write_text(self, text: str) -> None: text = utils.compatible_encode_method(text, self.codec, "ignore") if self.outfp_binary: cast(BinaryIO, self.outfp).write(text.encode()) else: cast(TextIO, self.outfp).write(text) def receive_layout(self, ltpage: LTPage) -> None: def render(item: LTItem) -> None: if isinstance(item, LTContainer): for child in item: render(child) elif isinstance(item, LTText): self.write_text(item.get_text()) if isinstance(item, LTTextBox): self.write_text("\n") elif isinstance(item, LTImage): if self.imagewriter is not None: self.imagewriter.export_image(item) if self.showpageno: self.write_text("Page %s\n" % ltpage.pageid) render(ltpage) self.write_text("\f") # Some dummy functions to save memory/CPU when all that is wanted # is text. This stops all the image and drawing output from being # recorded and taking up RAM. def render_image(self, name: str, stream: PDFStream) -> None: if self.imagewriter is None: return PDFConverter.render_image(self, name, stream) return def paint_path( self, gstate: PDFGraphicState, stroke: bool, fill: bool, evenodd: bool, path: Sequence[PathSegment], ) -> None: return class HTMLConverter(PDFConverter[AnyIO]): RECT_COLORS = { "figure": "yellow", "textline": "magenta", "textbox": "cyan", "textgroup": "red", "curve": "black", "page": "gray", } TEXT_COLORS = { "textbox": "blue", "char": "black", } def __init__( self, rsrcmgr: PDFResourceManager, outfp: AnyIO, codec: str = "utf-8", pageno: int = 1, laparams: Optional[LAParams] = None, scale: float = 1, fontscale: float = 1.0, layoutmode: str = "normal", showpageno: bool = True, pagemargin: int = 50, imagewriter: Optional[ImageWriter] = None, debug: int = 0, rect_colors: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, text_colors: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> None: PDFConverter.__init__( self, rsrcmgr, outfp, codec=codec, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams ) # write() assumes a codec for binary I/O, or no codec for text I/O. if self.outfp_binary == (not self.codec): raise ValueError("Codec is required for a binary I/O output") if text_colors is None: text_colors = {"char": "black"} if rect_colors is None: rect_colors = {"curve": "black", "page": "gray"} self.scale = scale self.fontscale = fontscale self.layoutmode = layoutmode self.showpageno = showpageno self.pagemargin = pagemargin self.imagewriter = imagewriter self.rect_colors = rect_colors self.text_colors = text_colors if debug: self.rect_colors.update(self.RECT_COLORS) self.text_colors.update(self.TEXT_COLORS) self._yoffset: float = self.pagemargin self._font: Optional[Tuple[str, float]] = None self._fontstack: List[Optional[Tuple[str, float]]] = [] self.write_header() return def write(self, text: str) -> None: if self.codec: cast(BinaryIO, self.outfp).write(text.encode(self.codec)) else: cast(TextIO, self.outfp).write(text) return def write_header(self) -> None: self.write("\n") if self.codec: s = ( '\n' % self.codec ) else: s = '\n' self.write(s) self.write("\n") return def write_footer(self) -> None: page_links = [ '{}'.format(i, i) for i in range(1, self.pageno) ] s = '
Page: %s
\n' % ", ".join( page_links ) self.write(s) self.write("\n") return def write_text(self, text: str) -> None: self.write(enc(text)) return def place_rect( self, color: str, borderwidth: int, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float ) -> None: color2 = self.rect_colors.get(color) if color2 is not None: s = ( '\n' % ( color2, borderwidth, x * self.scale, (self._yoffset - y) * self.scale, w * self.scale, h * self.scale, ) ) self.write(s) return def place_border(self, color: str, borderwidth: int, item: LTComponent) -> None: self.place_rect(color, borderwidth, item.x0, item.y1, item.width, item.height) return def place_image( self, item: LTImage, borderwidth: int, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float ) -> None: if self.imagewriter is not None: name = self.imagewriter.export_image(item) s = ( '\n' % ( enc(name), borderwidth, x * self.scale, (self._yoffset - y) * self.scale, w * self.scale, h * self.scale, ) ) self.write(s) return def place_text( self, color: str, text: str, x: float, y: float, size: float ) -> None: color2 = self.text_colors.get(color) if color2 is not None: s = ( '' % ( color2, x * self.scale, (self._yoffset - y) * self.scale, size * self.scale * self.fontscale, ) ) self.write(s) self.write_text(text) self.write("\n") return def begin_div( self, color: str, borderwidth: int, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, writing_mode: str = "False", ) -> None: self._fontstack.append(self._font) self._font = None s = ( '
' % ( color, borderwidth, writing_mode, x * self.scale, (self._yoffset - y) * self.scale, w * self.scale, h * self.scale, ) ) self.write(s) return def end_div(self, color: str) -> None: if self._font is not None: self.write("") self._font = self._fontstack.pop() self.write("
") return def put_text(self, text: str, fontname: str, fontsize: float) -> None: font = (fontname, fontsize) if font != self._font: if self._font is not None: self.write("") # Remove subset tag from fontname, see PDF Reference 5.5.3 fontname_without_subset_tag = fontname.split("+")[-1] self.write( '' % (fontname_without_subset_tag, fontsize * self.scale * self.fontscale) ) self._font = font self.write_text(text) return def put_newline(self) -> None: self.write("
") return def receive_layout(self, ltpage: LTPage) -> None: def show_group(item: Union[LTTextGroup, TextGroupElement]) -> None: if isinstance(item, LTTextGroup): self.place_border("textgroup", 1, item) for child in item: show_group(child) return def render(item: LTItem) -> None: child: LTItem if isinstance(item, LTPage): self._yoffset += item.y1 self.place_border("page", 1, item) if self.showpageno: self.write( '
' % ((self._yoffset - item.y1) * self.scale) ) self.write( 'Page {}
\n'.format( item.pageid, item.pageid ) ) for child in item: render(child) if item.groups is not None: for group in item.groups: show_group(group) elif isinstance(item, LTCurve): self.place_border("curve", 1, item) elif isinstance(item, LTFigure): self.begin_div("figure", 1, item.x0, item.y1, item.width, item.height) for child in item: render(child) self.end_div("figure") elif isinstance(item, LTImage): self.place_image(item, 1, item.x0, item.y1, item.width, item.height) else: if self.layoutmode == "exact": if isinstance(item, LTTextLine): self.place_border("textline", 1, item) for child in item: render(child) elif isinstance(item, LTTextBox): self.place_border("textbox", 1, item) self.place_text( "textbox", str(item.index + 1), item.x0, item.y1, 20 ) for child in item: render(child) elif isinstance(item, LTChar): self.place_border("char", 1, item) self.place_text( "char", item.get_text(), item.x0, item.y1, item.size ) else: if isinstance(item, LTTextLine): for child in item: render(child) if self.layoutmode != "loose": self.put_newline() elif isinstance(item, LTTextBox): self.begin_div( "textbox", 1, item.x0, item.y1, item.width, item.height, item.get_writing_mode(), ) for child in item: render(child) self.end_div("textbox") elif isinstance(item, LTChar): fontname = make_compat_str(item.fontname) self.put_text(item.get_text(), fontname, item.size) elif isinstance(item, LTText): self.write_text(item.get_text()) return render(ltpage) self._yoffset += self.pagemargin return def close(self) -> None: self.write_footer() return class XMLConverter(PDFConverter[AnyIO]): CONTROL = re.compile("[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f]") def __init__( self, rsrcmgr: PDFResourceManager, outfp: AnyIO, codec: str = "utf-8", pageno: int = 1, laparams: Optional[LAParams] = None, imagewriter: Optional[ImageWriter] = None, stripcontrol: bool = False, ) -> None: PDFConverter.__init__( self, rsrcmgr, outfp, codec=codec, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams ) # write() assumes a codec for binary I/O, or no codec for text I/O. if self.outfp_binary == (not self.codec): raise ValueError("Codec is required for a binary I/O output") self.imagewriter = imagewriter self.stripcontrol = stripcontrol self.write_header() return def write(self, text: str) -> None: if self.codec: cast(BinaryIO, self.outfp).write(text.encode(self.codec)) else: cast(TextIO, self.outfp).write(text) return def write_header(self) -> None: if self.codec: self.write('\n' % self.codec) else: self.write('\n') self.write("\n") return def write_footer(self) -> None: self.write("\n") return def write_text(self, text: str) -> None: if self.stripcontrol: text = self.CONTROL.sub("", text) self.write(enc(text)) return def receive_layout(self, ltpage: LTPage) -> None: def show_group(item: LTItem) -> None: if isinstance(item, LTTextBox): self.write( '\n' % (item.index, bbox2str(item.bbox)) ) elif isinstance(item, LTTextGroup): self.write('\n' % bbox2str(item.bbox)) for child in item: show_group(child) self.write("\n") return def render(item: LTItem) -> None: child: LTItem if isinstance(item, LTPage): s = '\n' % ( item.pageid, bbox2str(item.bbox), item.rotate, ) self.write(s) for child in item: render(child) if item.groups is not None: self.write("\n") for group in item.groups: show_group(group) self.write("\n") self.write("\n") elif isinstance(item, LTLine): s = '\n' % ( item.linewidth, bbox2str(item.bbox), ) self.write(s) elif isinstance(item, LTRect): s = '\n' % ( item.linewidth, bbox2str(item.bbox), ) self.write(s) elif isinstance(item, LTCurve): s = '\n' % ( item.linewidth, bbox2str(item.bbox), item.get_pts(), ) self.write(s) elif isinstance(item, LTFigure): s = '
\n' % (, bbox2str(item.bbox)) self.write(s) for child in item: render(child) self.write("
\n") elif isinstance(item, LTTextLine): self.write('\n' % bbox2str(item.bbox)) for child in item: render(child) self.write("\n") elif isinstance(item, LTTextBox): wmode = "" if isinstance(item, LTTextBoxVertical): wmode = ' wmode="vertical"' s = '\n' % ( item.index, bbox2str(item.bbox), wmode, ) self.write(s) for child in item: render(child) self.write("\n") elif isinstance(item, LTChar): s = ( '' % ( enc(item.fontname), bbox2str(item.bbox),, item.graphicstate.ncolor, item.size, ) ) self.write(s) self.write_text(item.get_text()) self.write("\n") elif isinstance(item, LTText): self.write("%s\n" % item.get_text()) elif isinstance(item, LTImage): if self.imagewriter is not None: name = self.imagewriter.export_image(item) self.write( '\n' % (enc(name), item.width, item.height) ) else: self.write( '\n' % (item.width, item.height) ) else: assert False, str(("Unhandled", item)) return render(ltpage) return def close(self) -> None: self.write_footer() return class HOCRConverter(PDFConverter[AnyIO]): """Extract an hOCR representation from explicit text information within a PDF.""" # Where text is being extracted from a variety of types of PDF within a # business process, those PDFs where the text is only present in image # form will need to be analysed using an OCR tool which will typically # output hOCR. This converter extracts the explicit text information from # those PDFs that do have it and uses it to genxerate a basic hOCR # representation that is designed to be used in conjunction with the image # of the PDF in the same way as genuine OCR output would be, but without the # inevitable OCR errors. # The converter does not handle images, diagrams or text colors. # In the examples processed by the contributor it was necessary to set # LAParams.all_texts to True. CONTROL = re.compile(r"[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f]") def __init__( self, rsrcmgr: PDFResourceManager, outfp: AnyIO, codec: str = "utf8", pageno: int = 1, laparams: Optional[LAParams] = None, stripcontrol: bool = False, ): PDFConverter.__init__( self, rsrcmgr, outfp, codec=codec, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams ) self.stripcontrol = stripcontrol self.within_chars = False self.write_header() def bbox_repr(self, bbox: Rect) -> str: (in_x0, in_y0, in_x1, in_y1) = bbox # PDF y-coordinates are the other way round from hOCR coordinates out_x0 = int(in_x0) out_y0 = int(self.page_bbox[3] - in_y1) out_x1 = int(in_x1) out_y1 = int(self.page_bbox[3] - in_y0) return f"bbox {out_x0} {out_y0} {out_x1} {out_y1}" def write(self, text: str) -> None: if self.codec: encoded_text = text.encode(self.codec) cast(BinaryIO, self.outfp).write(encoded_text) else: cast(TextIO, self.outfp).write(text) def write_header(self) -> None: if self.codec: self.write( "\n" % self.codec ) else: self.write( "\n" ) self.write("\n") self.write("\n") self.write( "\n" ) self.write( "\n" ) self.write( " \n" ) self.write("\n") self.write("\n") def write_footer(self) -> None: self.write("\n") self.write( "\n" ) def write_text(self, text: str) -> None: if self.stripcontrol: text = self.CONTROL.sub("", text) self.write(text) def write_word(self) -> None: if len(self.working_text) > 0: bold_and_italic_styles = "" if "Italic" in self.working_font: bold_and_italic_styles = "font-style: italic; " if "Bold" in self.working_font: bold_and_italic_styles += "font-weight: bold; " self.write( "%s" % ( ( self.working_font, self.working_size, bold_and_italic_styles, self.bbox_repr(self.working_bbox), self.working_font, self.working_size, self.working_text.strip(), ) ) ) self.within_chars = False def receive_layout(self, ltpage: LTPage) -> None: def render(item: LTItem) -> None: if self.within_chars and isinstance(item, LTAnno): self.write_word() if isinstance(item, LTPage): self.page_bbox = item.bbox self.write( "
\n" % (item.pageid, self.bbox_repr(item.bbox)) ) for child in item: render(child) self.write("
\n") elif isinstance(item, LTTextLine): self.write( "" % ((self.bbox_repr(item.bbox))) ) for child_line in item: render(child_line) self.write("\n") elif isinstance(item, LTTextBox): self.write( "
\n" % (item.index, self.bbox_repr(item.bbox)) ) for child in item: render(child) self.write("
\n") elif isinstance(item, LTChar): if not self.within_chars: self.within_chars = True self.working_text = item.get_text() self.working_bbox = item.bbox self.working_font = item.fontname self.working_size = item.size else: if len(item.get_text().strip()) == 0: self.write_word() self.write(item.get_text()) else: if ( self.working_bbox[1] != item.bbox[1] or self.working_font != item.fontname or self.working_size != item.size ): self.write_word() self.working_bbox = item.bbox self.working_font = item.fontname self.working_size = item.size self.working_text += item.get_text() self.working_bbox = ( self.working_bbox[0], self.working_bbox[1], item.bbox[2], self.working_bbox[3], ) render(ltpage) def close(self) -> None: self.write_footer()